Category: Launches

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Palm Island, Jammu Heaven for shopaholics

Palm Island, Jammu Close your eyes for a moment and imagine A SHOPAHOLIC’S PARADISE, A SHOPPER’S DREAM, of futuristically designed shopping space, offering a multi-brand bonanza with top global levels and attracting the shopper… open your eyes and you have PALM ISLAND. Open your eyes and you know you have stepped into Palm Island. After

INDIAN FARMS Banquet Hall Kunjwani Bishnah Road,Seora Jammu. Booking open

INDIAN FARMS  Inspired by the Mughal Architecture  Most elegant and artistic Banquet , “Luxury” at Its Best. CONTACT FOR RESERVATIONS 9697637320.7298152103.9419194503, 9086212538 Website: EMAIL: [email protected] FB : Two Centrally AC Halls with beautiful Ambience & Two Lush green Gardens with capacity of holding parties for ‘800 to 5000* guests. Dedicated five star catering services
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