
Jammu university Advertisement for the Appointment of UGC Project Fellow

Advertisement for the Appointment of UGC Project Fellow

Department of Physics & Electronics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu, 180006.

Ref No.: PGD/PHY/EL/SSE/101 Dated: 23rd December 2015

Applications in the prescribed format uploaded on the university website : are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Project Fellow in the UGC Project (F.No. – 43- 398/2014(SR)) entitled “Cu(In1-xAlx)Se2 Thin films optimization, Device Fabrication and their use in Photovoltaic Applications ” as per details given hereunder:


Name of the Post: Project Fellow No. of Posts: one (1)

Remuneration: Consolidated Salary @Rs. 14,000/-p.m. (Non-Gate/Non NET) and

@16,000/- p.m. (Gate/NET/GPAT)

Tenure of the post: Three Years or till the termination of the project.

Requirements for the post: M.Sc. in Physics/Applied Physics/ Electronics with a minimum of 55% of Marks.


A)   Applicants should note that the position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project which is for maximum period of three years.

B)      No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

C)   The application should be submitted in the requisite format which must be accompanied by attested copies of certificates in support of all information furnished in the application.

D)     Last Date for receipt of filled-in applications: 11/01/ 2016

E)    The interviews for the selection of a suitable candidate will be held on 15 Jan. 2016 at 2.00pm in the office of the Dean Research Studies, University of Jammu.

Applications are to be submitted in hard copy form in an envelope super scribed as “ POSITION FOR UGC PROJECT FELLOW” at the following address.


Attention Please :
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