
Short-listing for Interview as Data Entry Operators (DEO) under National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A)

Short-listing for Interview as Data Entry Operators (DEO) under National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A)

Short-listing of candidates to be called for interview for engagement as Data Entry Operators (DEO) under National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A) for the year 2015-16 in respect of Jammu Division. Whereas, State Nodal Officer for National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A), vide

Advertisement Notice No.APD/SNO/NeGPA/DEO, dated 26.12.2015 invited applications on prescribed format from the permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir State possessing the prescribed qualification for engagement of Data Entry Operators (DEO) under National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A), on purely temporary basis for the year 2015-16; and Whereas, in response to the above said Advertisement Notice, 2599 applications have been received; and Whereas, in view of large number of candidates, it would not be possible to conduct interview of all the candidates and accordingly it has been decided that the process of short-listingshall be followed according to following criteria:

1. Ratio to be followed = 1:5.


2. Weightage to basic qualification = 90% on pro rata basis.

3. Weightage for higher qualification viz. P.G. = 10 Points.

Now, therefore, it is notified for information of all concerned that the candidates of Jammu Division appearing inAnnexure A of this order have been shortlisted on the basis of the aforementioned criteria i.e., on the basis of marks obtained in basic qualification and weight-age accorded to higher qualification. However, rest of the candidates who have also applied for the said post and do not fall in the shortlist criteria may contact Chief Agriculture Officer of concerned districtwith sufficient proof of having higher or equal merit than the candidates shortlisted within three days positively, from the date of publication.No claim/objection shall be entertained after the lapse of three days.

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