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SKUAST Jammu Jobs Assistant Professor Vacancies. SKUAST Jammu invites applications from eligible and desirous candidates for a walk-in -interview for the temporary position of Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis in the Faculty of Dairy Technology, on 16-01-2025. The particulars for the post are given below: Name of the Post : Assistant Professor Subject :
SKUAST Jammu Project Assistant Recruitment 2024. Recruitment notice for the position of Project Assistant under the DBT funded project “Studies on the seed production and grow out culture of endangered Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora) in sub-tropical areas of J&K”. The position is based at Maize Research Station, SKUAST-Jammu, Udhampur. Recruitment Details Post Name: Project Assistant
Central University of Jammu Lab Assistant, JRF Jobs The Central University of Jammu invites applications for Lab Assistant and Junior Research Fellow (JRF) positions under a research project titled “Source Apportionment of Ambient Aerosols in Non-attainment City of Srinagar”. These are temporary contractual positions for one year, extendable by another year. Selected candidates will receive
University of Jammu JRF Jobs. The Department of Mathematics, University of Jammu, invites applications for a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) position under a Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) funded project titled “Zeros of Some Complex Harmonic Polynomials.” The position is purely temporary, initially for one year, and co-terminus with the project. Candidates with a
Central University of Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2024. Applications are invited for the following assignment in a purely time bound research project undertaken in the Department of Physics, Central University of Kashmir, Tulmulla Ganderbal. Position : 01 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Title of Project : Systematic Study of Low Energy Break-up Fusion Reactions. Funding agency :
Jammu University Project Associate-I Jobs. The School of Biotechnology, University of Jammu, invites applications for Project Associate-I positions under a DBT-funded project titled “DBT BUILDER University of Jammu Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advanced Research and Education.” The recruitment is for two positions, which are temporary and co-terminus with the project. Candidates meeting the eligibility
Cluster University of Jammu Recruitment Cluster University of Jammu is inviting applications for various posts including Assistant Registrar, Section Officer, Head Assistant and Accountant. Recruitment Details: Posts: Assistant Registrar, Section Officer, Head Assistant and Accountant. Eligibility: Retired or likely to be retired candidates with experience of working in the University System / J&K Government Department
Central University of Jammu Walk-In-Interview for Project Associate-I Central University of Jammu invites applications from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Project Associate-I in a time bound under Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) grant sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology ((SR/PURSE/2023/204) for a temporary period purely on contractual
Jammu and Kashmir Weather Update For Next 48hrs. A feeble Western disturbance is going to effect over jammu and kashmir from today night to 24th November under its influence, Mostly cloudy weather is expected during next 48hrs with light rain /snow is expected at some places. Light snowfall is expected over higher reaches of kashmir
University of Kashmir JRF Jobs in the Deptt of Bioresources. Applications are invited in the prescribed format (attached below) from the highly motivated and eligible candidates for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF), against the post code 2-DBT advertised earlier (which stands cancelled due to poor response) under notification No. F. (Rec-DBT/ANRF)Biores/KU-24/1, dated. 23.10.