Category: Notifications

Various Exam Answer key

Appointment of Assistant Professor in the Higher Education Dept.

Appointment of Assistant Professor in the Higher Education Dept. As recommended by the J&K Public Service Commission, sanction is hereby accorded to the appointment of the following candidates as Assistant Professors (Horticulture Technology) on a Regular Temporary basis in the Pay Band of Rs. 15600-39100 with AGP Rs. 6000/- (Pre-revised) Academic Level-10 with Pay Structure

JKSSB Postponed OMR Based Examinations scheduled on 29.12.2024.

JKSSB Postponed OMR Based Examinations scheduled on 29.12.2024. The J&K Service Selection Board has postponed the OMR based examinations for the posts of Junior Stenographers/Junior Scale Stenographers (Shift I) and Steno-Typists (Shift II). Scheduled to be held on 29.12.2024, the said examination shall now be held on 31.12.2024 in view of the inclement weather conditions.

JKGAD transfers and postings order.

JKGAD transfers and postings are hereby ordered with immediate effect: Sh. Shantmanu, IAS (AGMUT:1991), awaiting orders of posting in General Administration Department, is transferred and posted as Financial Commissioner (Additional Chief Secretary), Higher Education Department relieving Dr. Rashmi Singh, IAS of the additional charge. Sh. Shantmanu, IAS (AGMUT:1991) shall also hold the additional charge of
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