Category: Notifications

JKSSB Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board. For all latest JKSSB latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB Free Jobs and notification alerts and Updates.

JKPSC Result, Answer keys released for Gazetted vacancies.

JKPSC Result, Answer keys released for Gazetted vacancies. Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission JKPSC Result Declared. JKPSC Conduct of Written Examination for filling up of the Gazetted vacancies in Department of Skill Department – Disposal of objections and issuance of final official Answer Key thereof. JKPSC Conduct of Written Examination for filling up of

JKSSB Waiting List, Final Selection List for the post of Works Supervisor.

JKSSB Waiting List, Final Selection List for the post of Works Supervisor. Waiting List for the post of Works Supervisor in the Public Works (R&B) Department, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2020 Dated. 24.12.2020, under Item No. 134- Forwarding thereof. Final Selection List for the post of Works Supervisor in the Public Works

DSE Prohibition of Driving of underage Students.

DSE Prohibition of Driving of underage Students. Government of Jammu & Kashmir, Directorate of School Education, Jammu And kashmir, addresses the prohibition of driving by underage students (minors). Key Points: Issue Identified: Underage students have been found driving vehicles (two-wheelers and four-wheelers) while commuting to schools or coaching centers. This act endangers public safety and

JKSSB filling of reserved post of Election Assistant.

JKSSB filling of reserved post of Election Assistant. JKSSB Final Selection List of the candidates for the post of Election Assistant (Junior Scale), Election Department, UT Cadre, Item No. 099, advertised vide Notification No. 04 of 2020 Dated. 16.12.2020 – Filling of reserve post thereof. Kindly refer to this office letter No. JKSSB-Scry/16/2023-03(E-7298728) dated: 14.11.2023,
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