Category: University Notification

Latest admission notifications in schools, colleges, university in Jammu and kashmir

Kashmir University extension for admission under CBCS.

Kashmir University extension for admission under CBCS for BA/B.Sc/B.Com/BBA/BCA/ BMMMC. KASHMIR UNIVERSITY EXTENSION FOR ADMISSION (under Choice Based Credit System Semester Scheme) for BA/B.Sc/B.Com/BBA/BCA/ BMMMC 1st semester 2020 Regular In continuation to this office Admission Notification of even no dated 27-01-2020, 29-02-2020 and 14-03-2020. The admission link is being re-opened for one week, as a

GDC Beerwah Examinations update.

GDC Government Degree College Beerwah Examinations update. GDC EXAMINATIONS OF BA/BSC/BCOM/BCA 5th, 4th, 3rd (PENDING) & 2nd SEMESTERS According to the recent guidelines prescribed by the University of Kashmir regarding conduct of examinations of Undergraduate courses, it is hereby notified that Government Degree College Beerwah is going to hold examinations as per the details mentioned

Cluster University of Srinagar Merit List of Candidates for Assistant Professor.

Cluster University of Srinagar Merit List of Candidates for Assistant Professor. Cluster University of Srinagar Merit List of Candidates for Assistant Professor on Academic Arrangement basis. Final merit List of Candidates for Assistant Professor on Academic Arrangement basis in the Subject of Bussiness Administration/Management 16-June-2020 . Merit List of Candidates for Assistant Professor on Academic

GMC Srinagar Lab. Technician written test notification.

GMC Srinagar Lab. Technician written test notification. It is hereby notified for information of the eligible candidates who have applied for the post of Lab. Technician on contract basis for period of (03) months in response to this Office Advertisement Notice No. 09 GS of 2020 Dated. 27-05-2020 that their written test, (objective type) will

Kashmir University admission to Ph.D and Integrated M.Phil & Ph. D.

Kashmir University admission to Ph.D programme. Applications, to be submitted online by or before 12-07-2020, are invited from the eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D programme and Integrated M.Phil & Ph. D programmes in the following subjects: Zoology, Botany, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Home Science, Food Science & Technology, Computer Sciences, Electronics & Instrumentation Technology,
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