Jammu university Syllabus for MPhil entrance test. Jammu University Syllabus Notification. University of Jammu Syllabus for MPhil entrance test in Sociology (2019-20).
Panchayat Account Assistant 2000 Posts Syllabus OUT Topic Wise Syllabus for JKSSB Panchayat Accounts Assistant Exam 2019. Marks: 120 Time: 02:00 Hours Syllabus for Written test (Objective Type) for the post of Panchayat Accounts Assistant S.No. Topic Marks 01. General Knowledge with special reference to J&K 30 Marks 02. Mathematics/Statistics . 10 Marks 03. General
Jammu University Syllabus notification. Jammu University Notification, JU Updates, JU Entrance test 2019. Notice & Syllabus of MPhil entrance test-2019 in the subject of English, JU Notice & Syllabus of MPhil entrance test-2019 in the subject of Chemistry, JU Notice & Syllabus of MPhil entrance test-2019 in the subject of Env. Science, JU
Kashmir University Syllabus for Objective-Type Written Test for Junior Assistant. Kashmir University Syllabus Notification Update. Post Name Junior Assistant. Download Kashmir University Syllabus for Objective-Type Written Test for the posts of Junior Assistant
GMC & Associated Hospital written test and syllabus notification for various posts. GMC Interview for Contractual Hiring of Services under NRHM J&K Notice No.01 AHJ/2019, Dated: 24-05-2019 It is notified for information of all the candidates mentioned as Anexure-‘A’ that the common written test for the posts of Physiotherapists, Lab. Technician, Social worker advertised vide
Central University Kashmir Updated Syllabus for Non-Teaching Posts. Post: Assistant Engineer/ Junior Engineer,Pharmacist, Professional Assistant/Semi Professional Assistant/Library Assistant,Upper Division Clerk/ Lower Division Clerk, Statistical Assistant, Personal Assistant, Section Officer, Assistant Registrar, Medical Officer . Download Central University Kashmir Syllabus for Assistant Engineer, Download Central University Kashmir Syllabus for Junior Engineer, Download Central University Kashmir Syllabus
JKSSB Syllabus Examination Pattern 2019 for various posts. SSBJK Syllabus exam pattern. JKSSB Syllabus It is notified for the information of the concerned candidates who have applied for the posts advertised vide Advertisement Notification Nos 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05 of 2019, that the item wise syllabi for the posts detailed below is given