JKSSB Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board. For all latest JKSSB latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB Free Jobs and notification alerts and Updates.
JKSSB Final Selection List Class IV posts Physically Challenged Candidates. Final Selection List for 80 posts of Class-IV (PwD/Hearing), earlier kept reserved on directions of Hon’ble Court, has been notifed. With this, JKSSB has completed Selection for all 8575 Class-IV posts referred by GAD & for which exams were held in 2021. JKSSB Final Selection
Selection list Sahayikas /Anganwadi Helpers in Panchayats under the jurisdiction of Poshan Project Gandoh. Provisional /Tentative selection list of candidate for the post of Sahayikas/ (Anganwadi Helpers). Whereas vide this office Notification No 01 of 2023 dated 16.05.2023, applications were invited from the eligible female candidates for various vacant posts of Sahayikas (AWHs) in Panchayats
Selection list of Sanginis Anganwadi Workers. Final Selection list of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) of Poshan Project Kalakote Pursuant to advertisement Notice No.01 of 2023, Dated:-15-05-2023. Whereas, vide advertisement notification No.01 of 2023, Dated:-15-05-2023,22(Twenty Two) number of posts of Sanginis(Anganwadi Workers) were advertised for filling up of the vacant posts in Poshan Project Kalakote in pursuance
Provisional/Tentative Select List of Sahayikas (AWHS) 30 vacant posts of Sahayikas (AWHS) of Project Hiranagar Whereas vide this Office Advertisement Notice No: 01 of 2023 dated: 12-05-2023, applications were invited from eligible female candidate against 30 vacant posts of Sahayikas (AWHS) of Project Hiranagar. Whereas 03 posts of Sahayikas at AWC Marheen-B, Mela-C and Garah-B
Selection List of Junior Stenographer in Employment Department. Selection of candidates as Junior Stenographer in Employment Department and verification of Character and Antecedents of selectees thereof. Following candidates who have been recommended by J&K Service Selection Board vide letter No. JKSSB/23/2023-03 (E-7164134) dated: 21.06.2023 for appointment to the post of Junior Stenographer (UT Cadre) in
JKPSC Selection List for the posts of Scientific Officer in various subject Dated: 4-7-23 For Selection List for the posts of Scientific Officer in various subject click link below: JKPSC Selection List for the posts of Scientific Officer, Chemistry and Toxicology in FSL JKPSC Selection List for the post of Scientific Officer, Documents in FSL JKPSC
Selection List for the Post of Anganwadi Workers. This office had invited application forms for 25 No of Posts of Sanginis (Anganwadi workers) in various Anganwadi centres of Poshan project Mahore. After Proper Verification, the Selection Committee Constituted Vide Govt. Order No.103-JK(SWD) of 2023 dated: 28-04-2023 for Sanginis (AWWs) have recommended the Provisional selection list
Anganwadi Workers Post Selection List Notice. Provisional Selection list of Sanginis (Anganwadi Workers) in Poshan Project Dudu Basantgarh As recommended by the selection committee formed vide Govt. order no.103-jk(SWD) of 2023 dated 28.04.2023, the provisional selection list is here- by published for inviting objections, if any in the office of the Child Development Project Officer
Selection List of Anganwadi Workers Ramnagar. Provisional selection list of Sanginis ( Anganwadi Workers) in Poshan Project Ramnagar. As recommended by the selection committee formed vide Govt. order no.103-jk(SWD) of| |2023 dated 28.04.2023, the provisional selection list is hereby published for inviting objections, if any in the office of the Child Development Project Officer Ramnagar,
JKSSB Final Selection List of Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer & Steno Typist Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board JKSSB Final Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer & Steno Typist JKSSB Final Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Junior Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer &