Central University Kashmir Recruitment 2020.
Central University Kashmir Recruitment 2020.
CUK Jobs Guest Faculty walk in interview.
The School of Legal Studies, Central University of Kashmir has to engage three Guest Faculty for teaching Procedural Law subjects in different semesters of BA.LLB. The candidates possessing the following qualifications can Walk in Interview in the Vice Chancellor’s Secretariat at Green Campus on 25th November, 2020 at 2 pm.
Central University Kashmir Online Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to following temporary vacancies of non-teaching posts:
1) Internal Audit Officer (01-UR)
2) Deputy Registrar (01-UR)
3) Lower Division Clerk 06 (04-UR, 01-OBC.01-SC)
4) MTS/Peon/Office Attendant: 03(01-UR, 01-OBC, 01-SC)
1. Internal Audit Officer: (Pay Matrix Level -12 of 7th CPC)
Eligibility Criteria:
Officers belonging to Audit and Accounts Services or other similar organized Accounts Services in Central / State Govt., holding analogous posts on regular basis with three years regular service in PB-3 (Rs.15600-39100) + Grade Pay Rs. 6,600/- in the area of Audit and Accounts in any Govt. Department/ Autonomous Bodies.
With five years regular service in PB-3 (Rs.15600-39100) + Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/- in the area of Audit and Accounts in any Govt. Department/ Autonomous Bodies.
with five years of experience in the area of Finance/Administration/Budget or any other relevant area in the institutions of higher learning/ Government Departments/Autonomous Bodies with at least three years in PB-3 (Rs.15600-39100) + Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-.
2. Deputy Registrar: (Pay Matrix Level -12 of 7th CPC)
Eligibility Criteria:
Officers of the Central / State / UT Universities / Research Institutions holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department or the officers of the Central / State / UT / Statutory or Autonomous Bodies with eight years’ regular services.
With three years as Assistant Registrar/Assistant Director/Assistant Professor in the institutions of higher learning/ Government Departments/Autonomous Bodies in PB3 (Rs.15600-39100) + Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-.
3. Lower Division Clerk : (Pay Matrix Level -2 of 7th CPC)
Minimum Qualifications:
a. A Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized Institute/ University.
b. English Typing @ 35 wpm OR Hindi Typing @ 30 wpm (35wpm and 30wpm correspond to 10500KDPH/ 9000KDPH on an average of 5 Key depressions for each work)
c. Proficiency in Computer Operations.
Age: Not exceeding 30 years, however relaxation shall be given to internal
candidates (contractual/out sourced employees) of the University
4. MTS/Office Attendant/Peon: (Pay Matrix Level -1 of 7th CPC)
Minimum Qualifications:
10th Pass from a recognized Board or ITI Pass.
Age: Not exceeding 30 years however, however relaxation shall be given to internal
candidates (contractual/out sourced employees) of the University
How to apply Central University Kashmir.
The detailed eligibility conditions and online prescribed application form is available on the University website (www.cukashmir.ac.in). The application form along with payment of application feeRs. 300/- is to be submitted online. However, the candidates belonging to SC, ST, PWD and in-service candidates of the Central University of Kashmir are required to pay only Rs. 150 as application fee. Only online application form shall be accepted on or before 13th July,2020.
Hard copy of the application form will not be accepted. Clarifications, if any can be sought from the Recruitment Section of the University @ +91 6005823906, 7006154287 during office hours.
Dated: 27-06-2020
Ganderbal (J&K) 191201,
website www.cukashmir.ac.in
Employment Notice for various Temporary Non-Teaching Posts (Emp. Notice No. 04 of 2020)
Application Form for various Temporary Non-Teaching Posts
JKSSB Syllabus for Written Test for Class ivth posts.
JKSSB Selection Criteria for Class ivth posts
Latest Jobs J&K
Central University Kashmir Recruitment 2020 |
Organization Name | Central University Kashmir |
Job Category | Government Jobs |
Job Name | Internal Audit Officer (01-UR) Deputy Registrar (01-UR) Lower Division Clerk 06 (04-UR, 01-OBC.01-SC)MTS/Peon/Office Attendant: 03(01-UR, 01-OBC, 01-SC) |
Salary | Not available |
Total Vacancies | 11 |
Last Date of Submission of online application | 13th July 2020 |
Official Website | http://www.cukashmir.ac.in |
SKIMS Jobs Vacancies details |
Name of the Post | Vacancies |
Internal Audit Officer (01-UR) Deputy Registrar (01-UR) Lower Division Clerk 06 (04-UR, 01-OBC.01-SC)MTS/Peon/Office Attendant: 03(01-UR, 01-OBC, 01-SC) |
11 |
SKIMS Soura Vacancies Important Links | |
Central University CU Kashmir Jobs Recruitment 2020.
Post date 15 June 2020
Central University of Kashmir Jobs Employment News.
Central University of Kashmir CU Kashmir Recruitment 2020.
Post name VC
The Vice-Chancellor, being the academic as well as administrative head, is expected to be:
A person possessing the highest level of competence, integrity, morals and institutional commitment.
A distinguished academician, with a minimum of 10 years’ of experience as Professor in a University or 10 years’ of experience in a reputed research and/or academic administrative organisation with proof of having demonstrated academic leadership.
Preferably not more than 65 years of age as on the closing date of receipt of applications of this advertisement.
Salary and Service Conditions
The post carries a pay of 2,10,000/- (Fixed) per month with Special Allowance of Rs. 11,250/- and other usual allowances.
The terms and conditions of the services will be those as set forth in the Act, Statutes and Ordinances of the
Procedure for Appointment
The appointment will be made from a panel of names recommended by a Committee constituted under the provisions of Central Universities Act, 2009.
The advertisement and the format of application are available on the websites http://mhrd.gov.in and http:// cukashmir.ac.in/
How to apply
The applications in the prescribed proforma should reach within 30 days from the date of the publication of this advertisement, by Registered/Speed Post to.
Deputy Secretary (Central Universities),
Department of Higher Education,
Ministry of HRD, Room No. 213,’C’ Wing,
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Post date 23 May 2020.
The last date for submission of online Application Forms in respect of various non-teaching posts advertised vide Notification No. 03 of 2020 dated 27/04/2020, is hereby extended till 31st May, 2020
Online Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to the following non-teaching/ library positions in Central University Of Kashmir to submit on or before 17 th May, 2020: 31st May, 2020
Central University of Kashmir Jobs Details:
- Librarian: (01-UR)
- Deputy Librarian: (01-UR)
- Assistant Registrar: (01:OBC) (Lien vacancy)
- Private Secretary: (01-OBC)
- Personal Assistant: 02 (01-UR, 01-OBC)
- Technical Assistant: (01:OBC)
- Laboratory Assistant: (01-UR)
- Library Assistant: (01-OBC)
Total Vacant positions in Central University of Kashmir Jobs = 09 Posts.
Note:1). Those candidates who have already applied for the post of Deputy Lib rari an vide Employment Notification No.03 of 2019 dated 04-02-2019 need to apply again as per the latest UGC Regulations (on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education,2018) along with required documents for fresh screening without any fee.
01. University Librarian (Pay Matrix Academic Level -14 of 7th CPC, UGC)
i) A Masters Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point -scale wherever the grading system is followed.
ii) At least ten years as a Librarian at any level in University Library or ten years of teaching as Assistant/Associate Professor in Library Science or ten years‘ experience as a College Librarian.
iii) Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in a library.
iv) A Ph.D. Degree in library science/information science/documentation /archives and manuscript-keeping.
02. University Deputy Librarian (Pay Matrix Academic Level -12 of 7th CPC, UGC):
i) A Master’s Degree in library science/information science/documentation science, with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever grading system is followed.
ii) Eight years’ experience as an Assistant University Librarian /College Librarian.
iii) Evidence of Innovative library services including integration of ICT in library.
iv) A Ph.D. Degree in library science/Information science/Documentation Science/ Archives and manuscript keeping/ computerization of library.
03. Assistant Registrar (Pay Matrix Level -10 of 7th CPC)
Minimum Qualifications:
Master’s Degree with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade of ‘B’ in the UGC seven-point scale.
i. Five Years of experience in supervisory level in Administration/ Establishment/ Finance/ Examination/ Academics of the University in the Scale of Rs. 9, 300 – 34,800/- with Grade pay Rs. 4,600/- or holding analogous post.
ii. Knowledge of Computer Applications.
Age: Not exceeding 40 years
04. Private Secretary (Pay Matrix Level -7 of 7th CPC)
Minimum Qualifications:
i) A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/Institute.
ii) At least 03 years experience as Personal Assistant in a University/Research establishment/ Central/ State Govt./ PSU and other autonomous bodies.
iii) English/Hindi Stenography speed: 80 wpm in English or 60 wpm in Hindi.
iv) English/Hindi type speed: 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi.
v) Knowledge of computer applications.
Skill Test Norms:
Dictation: 10 minutes @ 80 w.p.m(English)/60 w.p.m(Hindi)
Transcription : 50 minutes (English)/ 60 minutes (Hindi)
Typing test: 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi
Age: Not exceeding 35 years
Desirable: Proficiency in English and good communication skills.
05. Personal Assistant (Pay Matrix Level -6 of 7th CPC)
Minimum Qualifications:
i) A Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from any recognised Institute/ University.
ii) English/Hindi Stenography speed: 60 wpm in English/Hindi.
iii) Proficiency in Typing in English or Hindi with minimum speed of 35 / 30 wpm respectively.
iv) Knowledge of Computer Applications.
v) Two years experience as Stenographer in Central State Govt. Organisations / University Research Institution or Central / State autonomous Institution.
Skill Test Norms:
Dictation: 10 minutes @ 60 w.p.m(English)/ 40 w.p.m(Hindi)
Transcription : 40 minutes (English)/55 minutes (Hindi)
Typing test: 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi
Age: Not exceeding 35 years
Desirable: Proficiency in English and good communication skills
06. Technical Assistant (Pay Matrix Level -5 of 7th CPC)
Minimum Qualifications:
1. Graduation in relevant subject/discipline from any recognized Institution/University with at least 50% marks as per the requirement of the department.
2. At least two years experience of working in a research laboratory preferably attached with a Recognized University or two years experience in audiovisual Productions/New Media Technology (NMT) in any Govt. Organisation/ PSU/ Govt. Autonomous Institution.
Age: Not exceeding 30 years
Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications
07. Laboratory Assistant (Pay Matrix Level -4 of 7th CPC)
Method of Recruitment: Direct
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelors’ Degree in Science or any other degree in the relevant field from a recognized
Institute/University OR Three year diploma in relevant field.
Age: Not exceeding 32 years
Desirable: Two Years Experience in Laboratory of Academic/ Research Institution.
08. Library Assistant (Pay Matrix Level -3 of 7th CPC)
Method of Recruitment: Direct
Minimum Qualifications:
i) Bachelor’s Degree in Library & Information Science or equivalent from a recognized University.
ii) Typing speed of 30 words per minute in English
iii) Knowledge of Computer Applications.
Age: Not exceeding 30 years
How to apply for latest Jobs in the Central University of Kashmir J&K.
The detailed eligibility conditions and online prescribed application form is available on the Central University of Kashmir website (www.cukashmir.ac.in). The application form along with payment of application fee Rs. 300/- is to be submitted online. However, the candidates belonging to SC, ST, PwD and in-service candidates of the Central University of Kashmir are required to pay only Rs. 150 as application fee.
Last date:
Only online application form shall be accepted on or before 17th May, 2020. 31st May, 2020
Hard copy of the application form will not be accepted.
Central University of Kashmir Complete Job notification.
How to apply for the Central University of Kashmir?
Candidates can apply for Central University of Kashmir 2020 from the official link provided in the recruitment page or visit the Dr. Hedgewar Arogya Sansthan official website. The step wise procedure to apply for the Central University of Kashmir will be mentioned in PDF released by Central University of Kashmir. Candidates should read the instructions carefully before applying for Central University of Kashmir 2020.
How can I join in the Central University of Kashmir?
First candidates should check the official notification released by Central University of Kashmir Candidates should check the eligibility criteria given in the official notification PDF. Candidates should apply only when they meet the eligibility criteria. After applying Central University of Kashmir will shortlist the eligible candidates and will intimate them to appear for the exam. Finally candidates can join the Central University of Kashmir only when he/she qualifies in all the selection process set by the Company.
What is the Selection Procedure for the Central University of Kashmir?
The Selection Procedure for is Written Examination and Interview. Candidates qualifyed in the exam will be eligible to appear for the interview which is the final stage. Candidates qualifying in all the selection process will be hired as in Central University of Kashmir.
Various Other Central University Of Kashmir CUK Jobs 2020.
All Jobs in Central University Of Kashmir.
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