
GMC Jammu Jobs Recruitments 2025.

GMC Jammu Jobs Recruitments 2025.

Jammu Jobs Govt Medical College GMC Jobs Recruitment of Contractual staff on vacant posts under VRDL Project (ICMR) of Department of Microbiology.

GMC Jammu Jobs Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following vacant posts under the Medical College level Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL) at the Department of Microbiology, Govt. Medical College purely on contractual basis for a period of 12 months which can be extended further depending upon the candidate’s performance, continuation of scheme and budget grant from the funding agency

Name of the Posts : 

Laboratory Technician  : 02


Data Entry Operator    : 01

Multi Tasking Staff       : 01

Note :

Age and all other qualifications will be counted on the last date of submission of application.

The form along with supporting documents should reach in the office of Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Microbiology, GMC, Jammu
by hand only by or before 20-02-25

The above engagement shall be governed by following terms & conditions :-

1. The candidate must be a resident of UT of J&K.

2. The hiring is purely on contractual basis for a period of one year which will be renewable on year to year basis subject to good performance and conduct or till the continuation of project, whichever is earlier.

3. The appointing authority shall have the right to terminate the hiring without assigning any reason.

4. The candidate shall have to give one month advance notice before resigning from the job. The contractual hiring shall be terminated any time by giving one month advance remuneration in lieu of notice.

5. The contractual hiring shall not confer any right on the candidate to claim extension or benefits or regularization.

6. The entitlement of leave, travel etc shall be governed by the rules in vogue.

7. The candidate shall have to report within 07 days from the date of issuance of selection list, along with the requisite original documents for further verification process, failing which, his/her appointment shall automatically be treated as cancelled.

8. The candidate shall have to execute a contract agreement with the Principal, GMC, Jammu/Principal Investigator, VRDL that he/she shall not claim for any regular appointment/extension in the department.

9. The hiring shall be governed by such other terms and conditions as are not specifically mentioned herein but are made applicable in case of such query.

10. The date of screening test, if any and its venue shall be notified on website of GMC Jammu,

11. The candidates shall have to furnish an affidavit duly attested by 1st class magistrate that they shall abide by all terms & conditions and shall not claim any right for regularization on point of such posts at any given point of time

12. 1st waiting list candidate will be given preference.

The candidate shall submit the duly filled application form in the prescribed format along with the following self attested documents

1. Relevant essential qualification certificate including marks cards and degree/diploma.

2 Domicile certificate.

3. Registration certificate from State & Paramedical Council.

4. Relevant experience certificate from competent authority.

5. Matriculation certificate/Date of birth certificate.

6. One passport size photograph attested by gazette officer to be affixed on application form & one spare photograph to be submitted along with application form.

Only those candidate shall apply, who have valid registration of the Degree/Diploma with MCI/SMF/PMC.
In case of candidates with M.S.c Life Sciences/PhD Biotechnology, the degree should be from a recognized university.

General instructions :

1 No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates.

2. Applications not accompanied with necessary supporting documents shall be rejected summarily.

3. In case, the last date fixed for receipt of application is declared holiday, next working day shall be deemed to be last date for receiving the application.

4 The application should be superscripted as application for the post of where ever applicable.

Note :

Those employees, who already working under NHM, need not apply. In case they want to apply they should submit their resignation along with the application form.

GMC Jammu Jobs Complete Details : Click here


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