
GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2022.

GMC Kathua Jobs Recruitment 2022. Professor, Associate Professor vacancy.

Govt Medical College GMC Kathua Jobs Advertisement for engagement of faculty members on academic arrangement basis under S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020, in Government Medical College, Kathua.

In Terms of S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020, applications on plain paper are invited from all the eligible candidates (Domicile and Non-Domicile of J&K) for engagement as Professors and Associate Professors, on academic arrange­ment basis, initially for a period of three years, extendable up to a maximum of six years (one year at a time and subject to good performance and con­duct) or till the selection/promotion is made in accordance with recruitment rules governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier.

The eligibility conditions and age for submitting the applications shall be as under:-

Posts Minimum Qualification and Teaching Experience Maximum age at the time of submitting application form
Professor As per the eligibility Conditions Prescribed under relevant recruitment rules (Available on] As per criteria mentioned in S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020 (Available on]


As per the eligibility Conditions Prescribed under relevant recruitment rules (Available on] As per criteria mentioned in S.0-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020 (Available on]

Provided that for the faculty posts in the Department of Dentistry in new Medical Colleges and in the Dental Colleges and Ayurvedic & Unani Medical Colleges, the maximum age at the time of submitting applications shall be as per criteria men­tioned in S.O-364 of 2020 dated 27-11-2020 available on Provided also that in-service officials shall not be eligible for engagement under these rules.


Documents Required: The candidate shall submit the (two sets) of copies of the fol­lowing documents with their applications:

  1. Date of Birth Proof (10th Marks card/lOth Diploma/Municipal Council)
  2. MBBS Degree and MCI/State Medical Council Registration certificate.
  3. Post Graduation Degree and MCI/State Medical Council Registration certificate.
  4. MBBS Attempt Certificate and MBBS Internship Completion Certificate.
  5. MBBS Marks Card All Profs. 1st to Final.
  6. Experience certificate issued by the Competent Authority/Head of the Institution.
  7. Professional publications, published in indexed/ national journals, as prescribed.
  8. Higher Qualification Certificate (DM/MCh/DNB Superspeciality).
  9. Affidavit duly attested from 1st class Magistrate stating that doctor is not in active Govt. Services.
  10. Category Certificate, If any.
  11. Any other document, if required by selection committee during the process of recruitment.

Note: It is the sole responsibility of the applicant that the documents attached with the application should be legible and properly arranged in a series as mentioned in the advertisement notice. Illegible, dark, washed out, misprinted documents and documents submitted after the last date of submission of applications shall not be considered for evaluation. All the documents submitted by the candidates should be self attested and tagged in an office file. The details of the posts are as under:-


(A) Professor Vacancy
S.No. Department Vacant
1 Anatomy 1
2 Biochemistry 1
3 Forensic Medicine 1
4 Community Medicine 1
5 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (Respiratory Diseases) 1
6 Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy 1
7 Psychiatry 1
8 Paediatrics 1
9 Orthopedics 1
10 Radiodiagnosis (Radiology) 1
11 Radio-Therapy (Oncology) 1
12 Dentistry 1
13 Blood Bank i
(B) Associate Professor Vacancy
S.No. Department Vacant
1 Anatomy 1
2 Pathology 3
3 Microbiology 1
4 Pharmacology 1
5 Forensic Medicine 1
6 Community Medicine 2
7 General Medicine 3
3 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (Respiratory Diseases) 1
9 Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy 1
10 Psychiatry 1
11 General Surgery 2
12 Orthopedics 1
13 Oto-R hi no-Laryngology (ENT) 1
14 Radlodiagnosis (Radiology) 1
15 Radio-Therapy (Oncology) 1
16 Anaesthesiology 1
17 Dentistry 1
18 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1

The selection of the candidates for the advertised post shall be made by the Committee as provided in relevant recruitment rules. The selection criteria for the advertisement posts shall be as under:

i) For Teaching Experience/Minimum required service 60 Points

(30 Points for Minimum required teaching experience and 03 Points for every additional year, subject to a maximum of 30 Points)

ii) For Research Publications 30 Points

(15 Points for required number of publications and 03 points for every additional publication, subject to a maximum of 15 Points)

iii) For Higher Qualification (DM/MCh/DNB Supers pecialitv) 10 Points

The Professors and Associate professors so appointed on academic arrangement in Government Medical College, Kathua shall be entitled to additional monthly incentive as per terms & conditions of S.O. 364 of 2020 Dated: 27-11-2020. The appointees shall also be entitled to house rent allowance (HRA) as applicable to in-service candidates carrying the minimum of pre-revised scale of the post sub­ject to fulfillment of the conditions provided under the relevant rules in this regard.

The appointment against the advertised posts shall and shall always be on academic arrangement basis only without conferment of any preferential right on the appointee for regular appointment against these posts, which shall be made strictly in accordance with the relevant recruitment rules.

The appointment on academic arrangement basis shall by itself stand terminated on attainment of 70 years of age by the appointee. The services of an appointee under these rules shall be terminable before the expiry of the tenure of the appointment with one month’s notice from either side or on pay­ment of one month’s salary in lieu of notice by the appointing authority.

Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till the genuineness of their doc­uments relating to educational qualification is verified by the Appointing Authority. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification and certificates to satisfy them­selves that they are eligible for the post. If the documents submitted by the candidates are not found substantiated or correct by the committee at any point of time, the candidature will be cancelled, Criminal Proceedings under law shall be initiated, or any other action as may be deemed appropriate by the committee, shall be taken.

In case of any dispute, the decision of Chairperson of the Selection Committee shall be final.

The applications along with requisite documents (two sets) must reach the office of the Principal, Govt. Medical College, Kathua by post or by hand on or before 18-04-2022 (04:00 PM). Applications sent by any other mode shall not be entertained.

Email: –



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