Class-IV posts in Fisheries Department Guards/Chowkidars and Orderlies
Subject: – Advertisement for filling up Class-IV posts of Fisheries Guards/Chowkidars and Orderlies (District
Cadre of Jammu Division) in the Fisheries Department.
Reference: – Government Order No: 735-GAD of 2008 Dated: – 30-05-2008 issued by the General Administration
Department/SRO 202 of 2015 Dated.30th June, 2015.
NOTIFICATION NO: 01 -FISHERIES OF 2015 DATED:- 10 – 09 – 2015
Applications for Direct Recruitment to the Class IV posts (District Cadre) in the Fisheries Department are invited on the prescribed format (Annexure “B”) to this Notification. The breakup wise vacancies of each District are mentioned in the (Annexure “A”)
Fisheries Guard *IS-4440-7440 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1400/-
Chowkidar *IS-4440-7400 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1300/-
Orderlies *IS-4440-7400 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1300/-
*Salary will be made as per SRO 202 of 2015.
Age as on 01-01-2015:
i. Not below 18 years; and
ii. Not above
a) General category candidates : 40 years
b) Physically challenged : 42 years
c) Member of SC/ST/OSC/ALC /RBA : 43 years
d) Candidates already in Govt. Service : 40 years
e) Ex-servicemen : 48 years
I The Candidate who participate in the selection process against the posts mentioned below should be the permanent residents of J&K State and:-
1. A person shall be deemed to be resident of a particular District if he/she has resided in such District for a period not less than
15 years before the date of applying for particular posts and is actually residing in the said District.
2. if a women marries outside her district, the period of residence of 15 years shall not operate as bar for applying to the posts provided that her husband has resided in that District as the case may be for a period of not less than 15 years.
II The candidate will have to deposit/submit his/her application form with the Assistant Director Fisheries of the concerned
District. Candidate can apply for the District Cadre post in the District to which he/she belongs with exception to the candidates belonging to the Schedule Caste Category.
III. Qualification Required: Minimum and Maximum qualification for Class IV posts shall be Matric and 10+2 (Medical) respectively from any recognized Board/lnstitute.
IV. Application Form:
Application Form (Annexure” A” to this notification) should be duly filled in by the candidate in his/her own hand writing accompanied by two attested passport (latest) size photographs (one to be affixed at the space shown in the application form), attested copies of Academic qualification, Date of Birth Certificate, Marks Certificate of each examination passed, Character Certificate, Category Certificate issued by the competent authority in terms of SRO-294, State Subject Certificate and a demand draft of Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty only) Non-refundable in the name of Assistant Director Fisheries of Concerned District from any branch of Jammu and Kashmir Bank payable at RCC Jammu/Srinagar be accompany along with the application form before the last date of receipt of applications
The application form complete in all respect should reach the office of the Assistant Director Fisheries of the concerned District by or before 30-09-2015 during office hours.
V. Selection Procedure:
In the event of the number of candidates who apply for recruitment to the post to be filled up is large and it is not conven-ient/possible for the selection committee to interview all the candidates, the committee shall restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview on the basis of academic merit in the qualifying examination i.e. Matric and Maximum 10+2 and the ratio limit will be 1:5 of the number of available vacancies as per the response of applicants. Selection of the candidates shall be made as per rules in vogue and on the basis of academic merit/interview only. The actual number of vacancies may increase or decrease at the time of filling of posts and shall be filled accordingly. The criteria of weight age shall be as under-
Marks obtained in weight age to Basic qualification i.e. (Matric): 60 points.
Marks obtained in weight age to qualification (10+2) i.e. : 20 points.
Viva Voca : 20 points
Note: The Appointment shall be in terms of SRO 202 of 2015.
i. Appointment would be on regular basis from the date of appointment.
ii. A person appointed under these shall be initially on probation for a period of five years and after completion of five years his service shall be declared as permanent subject to passing of such tests, or successfully undergoing such training as provided under the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (classification, control and appeal) rules, 1956 or as prescribed under the relevant recruitment rules governing the post / service to which he has been appointed.
iii. During the period of first five years, the appointee shall be entitled to the minimum of scale of pay along with the grade pay applicable to the post against which he is appointed.
iv. The person appointed against any available vacancy on the basis of being a resident of backward area or an area adjoining Line of Actual Control shall serve in such areas for a period of not less than seven years as provided under sub section (2) of Section Reservation Act 2004.
v. Every appointee shall after completion of five years period on probation be entitled to fixation of pay in the time scale of pay applicable to the post against which he is appointed. The persons appointed under these rules shall be entitled to annual increments, Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and City Compensation Allowance after successful completion of their five years service on consolidated salary.
vi. These appointees shall be entitled to the benefits under the Medical Attendance Rules and Leave Rules from the date of their appointment.
vii. The Seniority of persons appointed under these rules shall reckon from the date of their appointment
viii. The period spent on probation / consolidated salary shall also reckon for purposes of calculating the qualifying service of these appointees for pension and other benefits provided under rules.
ix. Other conditions of service like, age, qualification, discipline, conduct and other allied matters, a person appointed under these rules shall be governed by the Recruitment Rules of the service to which the post occupied by him belongs, besides other rules, regulations and orders in vogue in the State Civil Services in general.

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