IIT Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019 Post various
IIT Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019 Post various.
Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up Non-Teaching positions at IIT Jammu as per Advt. No. IITJammu/01/2019 (Direct Rectt.).
IIT Jammu Jobs Details
1. Registrar:
Masters degree or equivalent from recognized university in any discipline with at least 60% marks or its equivalent Grade ‘B’ in the UGC seven point scale and consistently good academic record set out in these regulations.
Essential Experience:
(i) At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.7000/- pay matrix of AL-11 (Rs.68900 to Rs.117200) and above OR with 8 years of service in the AGP of Rs.8000/- pay matrix of AL-12 (Rs.101500 to Rs.167400) and above including Assistant/ Associate Professor with relevant experience in educational administration/ research establishments. OR 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years regular service as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post in the AGP of Rs.7600/- pay matrix of L-12(Rs.78800 to Rs.209200) and above.
Note: If the applicant is from PSU or any other organization, his/her work experience should match the essential work experience and should also match either GP (6th CPC) or minimum total emolument.
(ii) Out of the above experience, at least 2 years experience in handling computerized administration / financial matters.
(i) Consistently good academic record (at least 60% marks in all boards/ University examinations).
(ii) A degree in Law/Management from a recognized University/Institute with impeccable record of integrity and performance. (iii) Experience in educational administration, financial and personnel management. (iv) Capacity to lead the coordination of multiple units and administration in a residential Institution. Can ensure statutory compliance with the statutory bodies as defined by the Act of Parliament and statutes. (v) Knowledge of computer enabled workflow based administration in a delegated systems. (vi) Knowledge of modern office automation tools for convening and concluding the meetings (Video conferencing).
On Contract/ Deputation basis:
Officers under the Central / State Governments / Universities / Recognized Research Institutes or Institutes of national importance:- a) i) Holding analogous post and ii) With at least 3 years regula(r service in posts with pay matrix of L-13 (Rs.123100 to Rs.215900) or equivalent; and b) Possessing educational qualification as prescribed above.
2. Senior Technical Officer/ Scientific Officer
A) Scientific Officer (Automation and Services)
(i) Ph.D. in Computer Science/ Computer Science & Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Electronics Engineering/ Applied Science from CFTI/Institute of National Importance. 3 years of experience in areas of systems analysis/ software development / services workflow automation/ technology benchmarking/ portals development/ maintenance of equipment, automation. Preference will be given to candidates with prior relevant experience at IITs / IISc/ NITs/ IIITs.
ME / M Tech (with BE / B Tech) in Computer Science Engineering / Computer Engineering or equivalent discipline from CFTI/Institute of National Importance with 8 years of experience in areas of systems analysis/ software development / services workflow automation/ technology benchmarking/ portals development/ maintenance of equipment, automation. Preference will be given to candidates with experience at IITs / IISc/ NITs/IIITs.
(ii) At least 65% marks or equivalent 7.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 point in all degrees with a consistently good academic background.
(iii) Proven experience in handling e-Governance / e-Services / portal development / eProcurement is required.
(iv) Proven experience with Learning and management tools / LDAP based authentication.
(v) Prior experience in program development and scripting for the automation.
(vi) Prior experience in portal/intranet development at an Institution level.
(vii) Prior experience in heterogeneous system administration.
B) Scientific Officer (Identity and Network Administrator)
(i) Ph.D. in Computer Science/ Computer Science & Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Electronics Engineering/ Applied Science from CFTI/Institute of National Importance. 3 years of experience in areas of networking / software development / maintenance of equipment, automation, or support to research. Preference will be given to candidates with prior relevant experience at IITs / IISc/ NITs/ IIITs.
ME / M Tech (with BE / B Tech) in Computer Science Engineering / Computer Engineering or equivalent discipline from CFTI/Institute of National Importance with 8 years of experience in areas of networking / software development / maintenance of equipment, automation, or support to research. Preference will be given to candidates with experience at IITs / IISc/ NITs/ IIITs.
(ii) At least 65% marks or equivalent 7.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 point in all degrees with a consistently good academic background.
(iii) Prior experience in handling Computer Center services / Campus networking services / Identity Management.
(iv) Well versed with the latest technologies of the domains having large network of wired and wireless networks. Services requirements for Data, VoIP, and CCTV.
(v) Knowledge of e-Procurement.
(vi) Proven experience with Wired and WiFi network design and implementation and capacity planning at Institute level.
(viii) Experience from HPC / Big Data Cluster / On-Premise Private Cloud infrastructure shall be an added advantage.
3. Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil)
Essential Educational Qualification: (i) Master’s degree in the Civil Engineering from a recognized university/Institute with at least 60% marks. At least 03 year relevant experience as Engineer in execution and construction of Civil Work; and Construction Management
(ii) Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 60% marks. At least 05 years relevant experience as Engineer in execution and construction of Civil Work; and Construction Management, out of which at least 03 years as Junior Engineer in the GP Rs. 4200 pay matrix of L 6 (Rs. 35400-112400) in CPWD/State PWD/Semi Government/PSU/Statutory Autonomous Organisation/University/Reputed organisation under State/Central Government or equivalent OR at least 01 year as Assistant Engineer in the GP Rs. 4600 pay matrix of L 7 (Rs. 44900-142400) in CPWD/State PWD/Semi Government/PSU/Statutory Autonomous Organisation/University/Reputed organisation under State/Central Government or equivalent.
(iii) Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 60% marks. At least 07 years relevant experience as Engineer in execution and construction of Civil Work and Construction Management, out of which at least 05 years as Junior Engineer in the GP Rs. 4200 pay matrix of L 6 (Rs. 35400-112400) in CPWD/State PWD/Semi Government/PSU/Statutory Autonomous Organisation/University/Reputed organisation under State/Central Government or equivalent OR at least 03 years as Assistant Engineer in the GP Rs. 4600 pay matrix of L 7 (Rs. 44900-142400) in CPWD/State PWD/Semi Government/PSU/Statutory Autonomous Organisation/University/Reputed organisation under State/Central Government or equivalent.
Desirable: (i) Experience of coordinating with multi-disciplinary planning consultants, architects and construction agencies in projects above Rs. 25 Crores; (ii) Consistently good academic record throughout the career; (iii) Knowledge of Computer–Aided Design (CAD) or other relevant Engineering/Construction software; (iv) Proven track record of handling construction projects; (v) Experience of working with planning and execution of Civil works, designing and estimation, construction management of large projects etc; (vi) Experience in the line of coordination and supervision of construction and maintenance of Civil works in CPWD, State PWD, Semi Government, PSU, Autonomous organization, university, IITs, NITs, Institute of National importance or any reputed private organization; and (vii) Should have knowledge of CPWD rules/manual.
4. Student Counsellor and Students outreach Coordinator
Essential: M.A in Psychology and Graduation in Psychology with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institute. Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations. Experience: (i) 05 years experience of Counseling which includes 01 year of Clinical experience in a Mental Health Centre plus 03 years experience in the post of a regular full time Counsellor, preferably in an Educational/ Counseling Center.
(ii) Require good oral, written skills, ability to communicate adequately with diverse students and employ population.
Job Requirement:
The job would involve active counseling of students largely in the 16-28 age groups, organizational work in connection with developing a suitable counseling programme for students and liaison work with professional volunteer agencies and hospitals for the benefit of the student population of the Institute. Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Powerpoint or equivalent is a must.
Desirable: Additional qualification in Mental Health or Counseling.
5. Assistant Registrar (Administration / Accounts / Audit)
Essential: A Master degree or its equivalent in relevant discipline from a recognized University with at least 60 % marks or its equivalent Grade of B in the UGC seven points scale and consistently good academic record set out in these Regulations. Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations. Experience: (i) At least five years relevant administrative experience in supervisory capacity in a Govt. office/university/ technological institution or an organization of repute which may include activities related to examinations, academics, establishment, general administration, R&D, student affairs, Finance /Audit & Accounts, Estate Management etc. in the grade pay of Rs. 4600/4800 pay matrix of L-7 (Rs. 44900-142400)/ L-8 (Rs. 47600-151100) or equivalent.
(ii) At least one year experience in handling computerized administration / financial matters.
(iii) Proficiency in the use of variety of computer office applications, e-mail, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must. Desirable (i) A degree in Law / Management /Actuarial Science from a recognized University/ Institute.
(ii) Chartered or Cost Accountant qualification (CFA/ CS/ CA/ ICWA) from a recognized University/ Institute for the post of Assistant Registrar (Accounts/Audit).
(iii) SAS qualified conducted by organized accounts and audit department.
6. Technical Officer (Network/ VCR/ CCTV Telecom Services, System and Services including HPC and Data Centre, Web Programmer)
For System Programmer
(i) Ph.D. in computer Science/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Applied Science from a recognized University/Institute with at least 60% marks in the degree to Ph.D. OR M.Tech. in Computer Science Engineering/ Computer Science/E.E. from a recognized University/Institute with at least 60% marks with 05 years of relevant experience. OR B.Tech. / M.Sc. (CS) from a recognized University/Institute with at least 60% marks with 07 years of relevant experience.
(ii) First class or equivalent grade in all university level degrees in respective discipline with a consistently good academic record;
(iii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations. (iv) Strong academic background and work experience with computer systems or computer systems/ applications software (including high-performance computing) or computer networks.
For Web Programmer
(i) B.Tech / M.Tech / MCA with at least 05 years experience in development of websites, knowledge of PHP / Mysql, CMS is essential.
(ii) First class or equivalent grade in all university level degrees in respective discipline with a consistently good academic record;
(iii) Strong academic background and work experience in designing & developing web content & management of the same. Should have exposure to open source tools & CMS management. 7. Training & Placement Officer Essential: B.E./B.Tech./ Master’s degree in any discipline/ M.B.A. or equivalent degree with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade point average with relevant experience of twelve years after the qualifying degree out of which six years should be in a substantive post with GP of Rs. 4600/4800 pay matrix of L-7/8 and above or equivalent, handling recruitment or placement.
8. Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical) Assistant Engineer (Civil)
Essential: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 60% marks. At least 03 year relevant experience as Engineer in execution and construction of Civil Work and Construction Management
OR Diploma in Civil Engineering or equivalent from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 60% marks. At least 05 years relevant experience as Engineer in execution and construction of Civil works and Construction Management, out of which at least 01 year as Junior Engineer in the GP Rs. 4200 pay matrix of L 6 (Rs. 35400-112400) in CPWD/State PWD/Semi Government/PSU/Statutory Autonomous Organisation/ University/ Reputed organisation under State/Central Government or equivalent State/Central Government or equivalent.
Desirable: (i) Consistently good academic record throughout the career; (ii) Knowledge of Computer–Aided Design (CAD) or other relevant Engineering/Construction software; (iii) Computer literacy and experience of working with computer office literacy.
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Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
Essential: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 60% marks. At least 03 year relevant experience as Engineer in execution and construction of Electrical Work and Construction Management OR Diploma in Civil or Electrical Engineering or equivalent from a recognized University/ Institute with at least 60% marks. At least 05 years relevant experience as Engineer in execution and construction of Electrical Work and Construction Management, out of which at least 01 year as Junior Engineer in the GP Rs. 4200 pay matrix of L 6 (Rs. 35400-112400) in CPWD/State PWD/Semi Government/PSU/Statutory Autonomous Organisation/ University/ Reputed organisation under State/Central Government or equivalent State/Central Government or equivalent.
Desirable: (i) Consistently good academic record throughout the career; (ii) Knowledge of Computer–Aided Design (CAD) or other relevant Engineering/Construction software; (iii) Computer literacy and experience of working with computer office literacy.
9. Junior Superintendent
Essential: (i) Master Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 55% marks in qualifying degree with 03 year experience as Sr. Assistant or equivalent in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- pay matrix of L-5 (Rs. 29200-92300) in Central Govt. / State Govt. / Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings. OR Bachelors Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 60% marks in qualifying degree with 05 years experience as Sr. Assistant or equivalent in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- pay matrix of L-5 (Rs. 29200-92300) in Central Govt. / State Govt. / Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings.
(ii) Proficiency in the use of variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Powerpoint or equivalent is a must.
(iii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
Desirable: Higher Degree / PG Diploma in relevant discipline like H.R, Labor Laws, Financial Management, inter ICWA/ CA etc. from recognized University/ Institute.
10. Junior Technical Superintendent
(i) Master Degree in Science/Computer Science or B.E/ B.Tech or equivalent qualification in appropriate discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with three years relevant experience in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800 pay matrix of L-5 (Rs. 29200-92300) or equivalent. OR Bachelor’s Degree in Science or equivalent in appropriate discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/Institute with five years relevant experience in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800 pay matrix of L-5 (Rs. 29200-92300) or equivalent. (These are only for Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology disciplines) OR
Three years Diploma in Engineering / Applied Science or equivalent in appropriate discipline (after 10+2) with a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with five years relevant experience in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800 or equivalent pay matrix of L-5 (Rs. 29200-92300).
(ii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(iii) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Powerpoint or equivalent is a must.
11. Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrcial)
Junior Engineer (Civil)
Essential: (i) Bachelors Degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized university/Institute with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree plus 02 years of relevant experience. OR Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized university/Institute (after 10+2) with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree plus 03 years of relevant experience. (ii) Persons with Mechanical / Air- Conditioning Engineering backgrounds may also be considered subject to requirement. (iii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(iv) Expertise in using software relevant to the job profile.
Desirable: (i) Experience of having worked with large projects.
(ii) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Powerpoint or equivalent is a must.
(iii) Should have knowledge of CPWD rules.
Junior Engineer (Electrical)
Essential: (i) Bachelors Degree or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognized university/Institute with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree plus 02 years of relevant experience.
OR Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized university/Institute (after 10+2) with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree plus 03 years of relevant experience. (ii) Persons with Computer / Networking / Electronics & Communication Engineering backgrounds may also be considered subject to requirement. (iii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(iv) Expertise in using software relevant to the job profile.
Desirable: (i) Experience of having worked with large projects.
(ii) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Powerpoint or equivalent is a must.
(iii) Should have knowledge of CPWD rules.
12. Caretaker-cum-Manager (Asstt. Hospitality Manager and/or Logistics and PRO)
(i) Degree in Hotel Management or equivalent with 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University / Institute with minimum 05 years experience in hotels / hostels of Educational Institute / Guest Houses of Public Sector Undertaking / Government Organization etc. Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(ii) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must.
13. Senior Laboratory Assistant/ Senior Mechanic
(i) Master Degree in Science/Computer Science or B.E/ B.Tech or equivalent qualification in appropriate discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/Institute. OR Bachelor’s Degree in Science or equivalent in appropriate discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/ Institute with two years relevant experience in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2000 pay matrix of L-3 (Rs. 21700-69100) or equivalent. OR Three years Diploma in Engineering / Applied Science or equivalent in appropriate discipline (after 10+2) with a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University/Institutewith two years relevant experience in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2000 pay matrix of L-3 (Rs. 21700-69100) or equivalent.
(ii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(iii) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must.
14. Senior Assistant
Essential: (i) Master Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 55% marks in qualifying degree with 01 year experience as Jr. Assistant or equivalent in the Grade pay of 2000/2400 pay matrix of L-3 (Rs. 21700-69100)/L-4 (Rs.29200 – 92300) . OR Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 60% marks in qualifying degree with 03 years experience as Jr. Assistant or equivalent in the Grade Pay of 2000/2400 pay matrix of L-3 (Rs. 21700-69100)/L-4 (Rs.29200 – 92300).
(ii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(iii) Proficiency in the use of variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Powerpoint or equivalent is a must.
15. Library Assistant
Bachelor’s degree in Library & Info. Science
OR Diploma in Library & Info. Science with Bachelor’s degree in any discipline OR Two years relevant Library experience. Desirable: Hands-on experience of Computer Applications in a Library of repute.
16. Junior Assistant (Administration)
Essential: (i) Master Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 55% marks in qualifying degree or Bachelors Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 60% marks in qualifying degree. (ii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(iii) Proficiency in the use of variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Powerpoint or equivalent is a must.
(iv) Having typing speed of 40 w.p.m. / 35 w.p.m. in English and Hindi respectively on computer.
Desirable: One year relevant experience.
17. Junior Assistant (Accounts)
Essential: (i) Master Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 55% marks in qualifying degree
B.Com or equivalent qualification from recognized university with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree.
(ii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations.
(iii) Proficiency in Accounting Software like Tally, Pay Roll Accounting, e-TDS etc.
(iv) Proficiency in typing in English / Hindi on computer, and also in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must. Desirable: (i) One year relevant experience in Finance / Accounts. Exposure and knowledge of using accounting software tools.
(ii) Knowledge for best practices for compliance of GFR and taxation practices as per Statutes and Acts of IITs.
(iii) Having typing speed of 40 w.p.m. / 35 w.p.m. in English and Hindi respectively on computer.
18. Junior Assistant (Caretaker)
Essential: (i) Master Degree in any discipline from recognized university with at least 55% marks in qualifying degree or Degree in Hotel Management or equivalent with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree from a recognized University / Institute (ii) At least 02 years relevant experience in hotels / hostels of Educational Institute / Guest Houses of Public Sector Undertaking / Government Organization etc. (iii) Preference will be given to those who have at least 60% marks in all Boards/ University examinations
(iv) Proficiency in the use of a variety of computer office applications, M.S Word, Excel, Power-point or equivalent is a must.
Application fee
Fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) for Group ‘A’ and Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) for Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ has to be paid through the link provided inside the portal.
How to apply
The candidate may submit their applications at Online portal https://apply.iitjammu.ac.in
- Detailed Advertisement No. IITJammu/01/2019 (Direct Rectt.)
- Application Portal for Online Applications
Last date
- Last date for application submission: February 25, 2019, 05:00 PM IST.
Attention Please :
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