J&K Indira Gandhi Govt Dental College Jammu jobs recruitment 2018.
J&K Indira Gandhi Govt Dental College Jammu jobs recruitment 2018.
Application on the prescribed form can be procured from the Accounts Officer of this college on payment of Rs 800/-(Rs. Five hundred only) in the shape of Bank Draft of J&K Bank Ltd. Payable in favour of Principal Indira Gandhi Govt. Dental College, Jammu invited from the In-service /Non-service doctors who aro permanent resident of ]&K State for the post of Tutor for a period of three years only in the following discipline:-
Discipline Oral Pathology
POst Name Tutor
No of Posts 01 (One)
BDS degree from recognize institutes of the country Candidate with higher qualification
i.e.(MDS) in the particular discipline mentioned above will be preferred.
a. For ln-Service candidate
1. The in-Service doctor shall carry the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 plus grade pay (Pre-revised) as admissible under rules.
2. The application form of In-service doctors will be entertained only which will duly routed through Administrative Department viz Health & Medical Education Department J&K and “no advance copy shall be entertained”
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b. For Non -Service candidates.
1. The Non-service doctors shall be appointed as per SRO-24 of 2013 and shall be paid a consolidated pay equal to the post of Dental Surgeon in the Health Department
c. General Condition at eligibility for all candidates
1. The doctor who were earlier appointed as Tutor, but has left the tutorship before completing their tenure need not to apply
2. Those doctors who have already completed their tenure as tutor in any discipline need not apply and their application forms shall not be considered
3. The applications should be accompanied with an affidavit duly attested by the 1” class Magistrate declaring that the applicant has not done Registrar ship earlier within or outside the State (J&K) any discipline.
4 A passport size photograph should be pasted at the appropriate place on the application foim
d. The application forms should be accompanied with attesled copies of the following documents/testimonial:-
1. BDS degree from recognized University
2. Internship completion certificate
3. Attempt certificate
4. Marks card of all the years of BDS
5. MDS degree from recognized University
6 Rural service certificate (prior to post -graduation) issued by the Director Health services
7. Rural service certificate (After post -graduation) issued by the Director Health services
8. Distinction”National Scholar shipHonorsMedalsAcademic merit certificate
9. House Job experience certificate issued by the Principal concerned or equivalent recognized authority.
10. Professional publication in a standard Medical journal, if any.
11. Registration certificate (upto-date) of J&K Dental Council
12. Date of Birth certificate.
13. State Subject certificate.
14. A copy of Aadhar Card
The eligible candidates shall have to appear for interview before the selection committee in the office chambers of the undersigned along with all original documents for verification.
The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of combined academic merit and performance m the interview. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the interview.
No application form will be accepted after the last date of receipt of application form. The incomplete forms will be rejectod out rightly. Last date for issue and receipt of application forms in the office of the under signed by hand/by posi is as under :-
Sale of forms = 05-02-2019 to 14.02.2019
Receipt of forms up to = 20.02.2019
Date of interview = 27.02.2019
Attention Please :
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