Lecturers/Teaching Assistants Jobs in GCET , Higher Education Department
Civil Secretariat, Srinagar
Sub: Engagement of Lecturers/Teaching Assistants on academic arrangement
basis in Government College of Engineering & Technology, Jammu for the year 2015-16.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement as Lecturers in Engineering subjects and Lecturers/Teaching Assistant in Sciences on academic arrangement basis in Government College of Engineering & Technology, Chak Bhalwal, Jammu for the academic session 2015-16, in the
fo | lowinci subjects: | |
1 | Civil Engineering | |
2 | Mechanical Engineering | |
3 | Physics | |
4 | Mathematics | |
5 | Chemistry |
Eligibility conditions for various categories is as under:
- Lecturers (Engineering) on academic arrangement
B.E/B.Tech and Master’s degree in relevant branch equivalent either in B.E/B.Tech or Master’s degree.
- Lecturers (Physics. Mathematics and Chemistry on arrangement basis
The candidates must possess Post-graduate degree in the concerned subject with minimum 55% marks (50% in case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Physically & Visually handicapped candidates) alongwith NET/ SLET/ Ph.D.
- Teaching Assistant (Physics. Mathematics and Chemistry, on academic arrangement basis The candidates must possess Post-graduate degree in the concerned subject with minimum 55% marks (50% in case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Physically & Visually handicapped candidates).
The Principal Government College of Engineering & Technology, Chak Bhalwal, Jammu shall arrange and conduct a written screening test for all the eligible candidates. However, the candidates with NET/SLET/Ph.D. are exempted from screening test. The Selection of the candidates shall be made by the Nodal Principal strictly on the basis of merit list to be prepared and compiled by her:
The candidates engaged as lecturers (Engineering) shall be given additional allowance @ Rs. 5000/ per month in view of technical qualification.
The engagement of candidates shall be made on the following terms and conditions:-
- The candidate should be a state subject of Jammu and Kashmir.
- The engagement of Lecturers will be made for one academic session or till the post is filled by appointment of a candidate duly selected by the Public Service Commission or by transfer of a regular employee against the post occupied by an academic arrangement Lecturer whichever is earlier.
- The candidate engaged shall have to:
- maintain discipline and not act in a manner unbecoming of a Govt. Servant. Indiscipline of any kind shall make the candidate liable for disengagement;
- maintain punctuality and work to the satisfaction of the Principal as well as the students;
- produce a certificate of good moral character from the Head of Institution where he/she worked /studied last. He/She will also give two references in the nature of introductory letters from reputed persons or Gazetted Officers; and
- furnish an undertaking on a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.20/* duly attested by a Judicial Magistrate to the effect that he/she has accepted the terms and conditions as detailed in this notification and shall have no preferential claim for regular appointment or for regularization of the academic arrangement.
- The candidate engaged shall be allowed casual leave of 15 days to address exigencies preventing them from attending the duties. This should, however, be allowed on pro-rata basis of four casual leaves per quarter with three days for the last quarter of the year. They shall also be allowed Medical and Maternity leave (in case of female candidates) without remunerations on the strength of certificates from the competent authority justifying the absence. The maximum limit for such leave of absence shall be 30 days for Medical leave and 40 days for Maternity Leave.
- The engagement of candidates shall be subject to outcome of the Court cases, if any, on the subject pending disposal in any court of law.
The applications complete in all respects shall be deposited to Principal, Government College of Engineering & Technology, Chak Bhalwal, Jammu by or before 10th October, 2015 alongwith a bank draft for Rs.100/- in the name of Principal, Government College of Engineering &Technology, Chak Bhalwal, Jammu.
DIPK-8878 Sd/- (Muhammad Raiyaz) KAS
Under Secretary to Government
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