
Katra Development Authority Recruitment Hiring of Experts / Consultants

Katra Development Authority Recruitment Hiring of  Experts / Consultants

Hiring of  Heritage and Cultural specialist, Urban Design Specialist, Transport, Environmental & Ecology specialist, Economics/ Financial Specialist, Craft Tourism, Disaster/ Risk Management, Urban Sociologist

Katra Development Authority Jobs Details 


Katra Development Authority invites applications for hiring/ engagement of subject experts/ consultants in below mentioned fields having qualification and experience requirement as mentioned against each category for preparation of Zonal Plans of Katra as per requirement. This is necessitated in view of the directions from the Administrative Department conveyed through letter cited in the reference.


S.No Subject Expert/ Consultants Qualification & Experience Required Number
1 Heritage and Cultural specialist Masters in conservation Architecture with Minimum 20 years of relevant experience. 01
2 Environmental & Ecology specialist Master in Environmental Planning/ Environmental Sciences/ Forest Sciences with 20 years of relevant experience in ecological planning and landscape and also should be empanelled in Development Authorities in India. 01
3 Transport Master in Transport planning with Minimum 15 years ofexperience in the relevant field including practical experience in transport projects implementation including multi model transport planning. Having undertaken projects of linking urban planning and transport design greenway projects, planning for mass transport system. 01
4 Urban Design Specialist Masters in Urban Design with more than 20 years of experience in relevant field. Should have professional experience in preparation of Master Plan/ Urban Design Projects. 01
5 Economics/ Financial Specialist Masters in Economics/ Finance/ Business Management with more than 20 years of relevant experience in infrastructure development, planning, investment and implementation. 01
6 Craft Masters in Developmental studies with 20 years of work experience with .livelihood enhancement in craft sector especially for women and Marginalised, lead and established institutions in craft development. Experience in craft more specifically in post disaster recovery programmes (earthquake, floods etc.) 01
7 Tourism Masters in Tourism/ Significant contributions to the sector of Tourism and Eco Tourism through engagement with related organisations, working and promoting the eco-tourism in the State Govt, and Govt, of India with minimum twenty years of experience in the relevant field. 01
8 Disaster/ Risk Management Masters Degree in Urban Planning with minimum twenty years of experience in the relevant field. Especially having experience in post disaster recovery, risk reduction management and capacity building more specifically related to floods and earthquakes. 01
9 Urban Sociologist PhD/ Masters in Urban Sociology with more than 20 years of relevant experience with community related field work. 01

Last date to apply Katra Development Authority Jobs  29th May 2017.

How to apply

Interested experts having required qualification and experience in the subject matter shall submit their application as per devised format along with all self attested testimonials either in person in the office of The Chief Executive officer, Katra Development Authority, Katra or through e-mail within a period of 21 days from date of issuance of this notice i.e. up to 29th May 2017.

For More details Visit 

Office of The Chief Executive officer, Katra Development Authority, Katra

Download Application Form


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