
SKUAST Jammu Jobs


Govt Jobs Applications on plain paper indicating name/permanent address/ address for correspondence/Mobile number/Email/date ofbirth/qualificalions (Metric onward)/publications, work experience and any other related information related to scientific achievements, are invited from the eligible candidates for a temporary position (Contractual basis) of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the ad-hoc project entitled “ENDOMETRIAL CYTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS IN REPEAT BREEDING CROSSBRED COWS’• for a period of one year under the Foldscope Scheme of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology. Govt, of India.

Name of the post ::

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)-01


Emoluments per month

1)  Rs. 25000/-

2)  House Rent allowance as applicable

Essential Qualifications

M.V. Sc.

Desirable Qualifications

Experience on hiostopathological procedures.

Experience in performing pregnancy diagnosis and Artificial Insemination (AI) in dairy animals.


Terms and conditions for the project:

  1. The candidates shall have no legal right to claim his/her regularization/appointment by absorption or otherwise against any regular post or any other contractual engagement as the project is purely time bound and non-regular. The posts are temporary and co-terminus with the project. The services of the incumbent shall stand terminated automatically on expiry of the period of the project with no claim on the permanent absorption in this University.
  2. 2 The positions are purely temporary and extension shall be granted on the basis of performance of the appointee. The universitv/funding agency/P.I. reserves the right to withdraw advertised post at any stage without assigning any reason and terminate on non-performance.
  3. The appointee can be terminated at any time by university without assigning any reason thereof.
  4. No objection and experience certificate from the current employer in case she/he is in employment.

How to apply:

The application in the prescribed format along with self attested testimonials/Certificates must reach to Dr. Anil Kumar Pandey, Project Coordinator/P.I., Division of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, F.V.Sc. & A.H., SKUAST-J, R.S. Pura, Jammu-181102, J&K; Email:;, on or before 14th May, 2018. The eligible candidates will be interviewed on 15,h May, 2018 in the office of Director Research, SKUAST-J. Administrative Block, Chatha- 180009, Jammu at 11:00 A.M. No separate intimation shall be issued & no TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.


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