
JK Ecology, Environment & Remote Sensing Dept JKDEARS Jobs.

JK Ecology, Environment & Remote Sensing Dept JKDEARS Jobs.

Re-advertisement for Recruitment for Data Entry Operator vacancy under EIACP Project.


Notice No.: (DEERS) of 2023;

Dated: – 2023.

The Department of Ecology, Environment and Remote Sensing, J&K, invites applications for engagement on temporary basis for the post of Data Entry Operator under the EIACP Project initially for a period of this financial year only or co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier.


The eligibility, experience, monthly emoluments and number of positions is as provided below:

Post Name : Data Entry Operator

Eligibility: Graduate, good knowledge of Computer Technology

No of positions: 1 (Website Development, designing, internet, publication etc.)

Emoluments: Rs 16,000/=PM with One years experience / XII passed with good knowledge of Computer Technology with two years experience /GSDP Certified Youth.

Note: Candidates in their own interest should satisfy themselves, before applying for the above position, that they are eligible for the position applied for viz, requisite qualification and requisite experience. There shall be no change in the eligibility criteria and terms/conditions. The Re-advertisement/appointment of said post shall be subject to outcome of writ petition, if any.

General Conditions

1. Only eligible candidates, satisfying above criteria who are domicile of J&K should send the scanned copies of documents/certificates (viz, duly filled Application form – Annexure- A, Domicile certificate of J&K, Qualification Certificate, Experience, etc.) by or before 10/01/24 via email to

2. Candidates called for test, will have to produce all relevant original documents along with a set of self-attested photocopies at the time of interview. If any information furnished is found to be wrong/false/suppressed the facts at any stage of the recruitment process, the candidate will not be allowed for Interview, and if selected/ appointed, he is liable to be terminated without assigning any reason.

3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

4. The detailed terms & conditions, application form can be downloaded from the departmental website

5. Candidates in their own interest are requested to frequently check the departmental website for updates.

Government of Jammu & Kashmir

Department of Ecology, Environment & Remote Sensing

Address : Paryavaran Bhawan Transport Nagar Gladni, Narwal Jammu-180006(0191-2474553/ SDA Colony Bernina, Srinagar-190018(0194-2494585)

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