
J&K FCS&CA Jobs Recruitment 2021.

J&K FCS&CA Jobs Recruitment 2021

J&K FCS&CA Jobs: Re-advertisement for appointment of Member (Female) in the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission- regarding

Advertisement No.:- 08 -FCS&CA of 2021 dated 17/11/2021

Last date for acceptance of Applications- 07/12/2021

Name of the Posts : Member (Female) in the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission- regarding.


Advertisement No.02-FCS&CA of 2021 dated 26.02.2021, inviting applications from the interested candidates for appointment to the post of Member(Female), District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions (District Commissions) in different Districts of Jammu & Kashmir in terms of Section 28 of the Consumer Protection
Act, 2019, read with the rules framed there under, issued vide G.S.R 452(E) dated 15-07-2020.

Whereas, the Selection Committee constituted vide Government Order No.14- JK(FCS&CA) of 2021 dated 03.02.2021 viewed that in respect of district of Baramulla, Kupwara, Udhampur and Doda, the panel could not be drawn due to lack of applications or due to non availability of suitable candidates and as such the vacant positions be re-advertised by the Department.

Now, therefore, pursuant to the recommendations of Selection Committee, the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs hereby re-advertises the positions for the posts of Member(Female) of the following District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions:-

Total vacancies of Member (Female): 04 (Four) @ one in each District Commission- Baramulla, Kupwara, Udhampur & Doda. Only female candidates can apply.

Qualification :

The applicant shouldi) Not be less than 35 years of age on the date of notification of the advertisement; Possess a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University; Be person of ability, integrity and standing, and having special knowledge and professional experience of not less than 15 years in Consumer Affairs, Law, Public Affairs, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Industries, Finance, Management, Engineering, Technology, Public Health or Medicine.

Disqualification :

The applicant shall be disqualified for appointment as a Member, if she has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence which involves moral turpitude; or is adjudged to be insolvent, or is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court, or has been removed or dismissed from service of the State Government or the Central Government or a body corporate owned or controlled by such Government; or has, in the opinion of the State Government, such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially the discharge by her of her functions as a member.

Term & Conditions :

The appointment is subject to submission of an undertaking by the candidate that she does not and will not have any such financial or other interest as are likely to affect prejudicially her functions as Member of the District Commission.

The Member shall receive salary and allowances and their terms and conditions of services shall be as per the rules notified by the Government in this regard.

The Member of a District Commission shall hold office for a term of four years or upto the age of 65 years whichever is earlier.

Every appointment of a Member shall be subject to submission of a certificate of Physical fitness signed by a Civil Surgeon or Chief Medical Officer to her medical fitness.

Declaration of Financial and other interest- A Member before entering upon her office shall declare her assets and liabilities.

Oath of office and secrecy – Every person appointed as Member before entering upon her office shall take an oath of office and secrecy in Form I and II.

No TA/DA is admissible for attending any test or interview in this connection, if conducted by the Selection Committee.

Important instructions before applying :

Applications are accordingly invited in the attached form from the desirous candidate which shall be submitted only digitally through an e-mail by attaching the duly filled application form in PDF format at the given e-mail address:-

The Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Government of J&K, shall duly acknowledge the receipt of every application through a return mail.

Applications incomplete or lacking in any details as asked for and those received after the due date will be rejected, summarily.

A fee of Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand only) per application has to be deposited through Government of J&K’s Treasury under Scheme code 04080110100990383(under the classification Receipt Head-0408,Sub Major Head-01, Minor Head-101, Group Head-0099 & Sub Head-0383). The receipt of Treasury Fee shall be the only enclosure to be attached with the duly filled application form in PDF.

It is clarified that multiple applications have to be submitted in case a candidate wants to apply for multiple District Commissions. Separate Fee is to be submitted for each application.

Candidates are not required to submit any document along with the Application Form, except for the receipt of Treasury Fee. Original documents/testimonials will be seen only when specifically called for Viva or interaction with the Selection Committee, at a later stage.

If shortlisting of candidates is resorted to, the Selection Committee may invite such number of candidates for Viva / interaction if it deems appropriate.

The procedure for appointment shall be in consonance with Rule 6 (Procedure for appointment) of the Consumer Protection (Qualification for appointment, method of recruitment, procedure of appointment, term of office, resignation and removal of the President and members of the State and District Commission) Rules, 2020.

The above mentioned shortlisting criteria, however, shall not be binding upon the Selection Committee while recommending its panel of candidates to the government. As per rule 6(9) of the Consumer Protection (Qualification for appointment, method of recruitment, procedure of appointment, term of office, resignation and removal of the President and members of the State and District Commission) Rules, 2020, the Selection Committee shall make its recommendations of suitable panel after taking into account the suitability, record of past performance, integrity and adjudicatory experience of the candidates.

The salary and other terms and conditions of service of candidate will be governed by the provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Consumer Protection (Salary, Allowances & Conditions of Service of President and Members of the State
Commission & District Commission) Rules, 2021 notified vide S.O. 355 dated 18.10.2021.

The Selection Committee reserves the right to cancel the advertisement at any time without assigning any reason(s) or issue any clarification at any later stage, if required.

Full Details and Application form Click Below :

J&K FCS&CA Jobs Recruitment 2021 

Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs


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