
JK NHM Jobs Recruitment 2021.

JK NHM Jobs Recruitment 2021.

Jammu and Kashmir National health Mission  DHS Samba JK NHM Jobs Recruitment 2021:As approved by Chairperson District Health Society (District Development Commissioner), Samba, applications are invited on prescribed performa from the eligible candidates of District Samba for hiring of staff on contractual basis under NHM in District Samba for the year 2021-22 to strength the health care delivery system in the district and to further improve accessibility to quality health services to combat with ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. The contract of the post shall be upto existing financial year which shall be renewed/extended further after assessing the performance of the candidates. In view of current situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, as per consent received from Mission Director State Health Society NHM J&K , further decided in the meeting of District Health Society Samba held on 01.06.2021 and subsequent approval granted by the Chairperson District Health Society (District Development Commissioner), selection criteria for the below mentioned vacancies have been relaxed wherein “Screening Test and interview has been replaced by Basic merit” so that urgent need of manpower in the district can be fulfilled. A meeting of committee constituted vide your office order no DDCS/CPO/2021-22/NHM/1134-38 dated:- 30.06.2021 was held to allot points to different levels of qualifications required for the posts and accordingly selection criteria was approved in the meeting which is given in the table below along with detail of vacancies, minimum qualifications required & monthly remuneration.

JK NHM Jobs Recruitment 2021.


The candidate must be domicile of District Samba, UT of J &K.

Contract will be offered by the District Health Society, Samba and selected local candidates shall have to serve the institution where posted.


The selection will be done as per the above-mentioned criteria strictly as per the merit.

The selected candidates shall be paid monthly honorarium under National Health Mission, as communicated by State Health Society J&K and contractual hiring shall not be entitled to any other allowances or monetary benefits whatsoever.

The candidate selected against any post shall not be entitled/claim for his/her transfer/attachment.

Non performing candidate shall be liable for termination without issuance of any advance notice.

The initial contract will be for a period up to 31-03-2022, extendable subject to performance review of the selected candidates, budgetary provisions in the next financial year and continuation of Scheme. The District Health Society has right to terminate the hiring without any reason.

In case of female married candidates for the above said posts, the residential proof will be considered from In-Law- side.

The Contractual appointee shall have to enter into an agreement with the District Health Society ,Samba. The contract can be terminated at any time from either side by giving one month notice.

The Contractual appointee shall not be entitled to any preferential claim for regular appointment under normal process of selection.

Only degrees and diplomas recognized by J&K State Paramedical Council or any other State Council shall be considered for eligibility. Applications not falling in the prescribed criteria or without proper documents shall be rejected out rightly. The candidature of the appointed candidates shall be cancelled without any notice, in case it is found at any stage that he or she has concealed any fact or submitted fraudulent certificates or misrepresented the facts to avail the candidature.

The candidates who have obtained professional/technical degrees/diplomas through Distance Education Mode from Universities recognized by the UGC shall have to submit a certificate from the concerned university along with application form stating that candidate had undergone the degree from their University head-quarters and not from the off-campuses which have been established by these Universities beyond their territorial jurisdiction. Application shall not be accepted in absence of this certificate.

Application forms can be rejected by the screening committee if found not falling as per required criteria.

Candidates who are already working under NHM need to apply after resignation from primary posts or apply through proper channel.

Where -ever word District and Block is used would mean Medical District and Medical Block and Not “CD” District/Block. Revenue village shall be considered for village level posts

Number of posts may Increase or decrease subject to the availability of posts or sanctioning of posts from competent authority for the next financial year/current financial year. All the applicants shall get latest status of residence proof from concerned Tehsildars with the application form.

The hiring shall be governed by the other terms and conditions as are not specifically mentioned herein but are made applicable in case of such appointments at any time by the contracting authority.

Local Criteria for selection JK NHM Jobs:-

The preference for selection to the posts mentioned in the above advertisement under National Health Mission shall be given to the candidates from the same village subject to their availability and merit. If a candidate is not available within the village, or local candidates has low merit in comparison to the candidates from within the Medical Block, then candidate from medical block will be given preference. If the candidates are not available within the Medical block, the candidates from the district shall be considered. As regards the posts of District Hospital Samba and DEIC Samba and Dialysis unit, the candidates from within the district shall be considered.

How to apply JK NHM Jobs:-

Interested candidates may submit their duly filled in application forms on prescribed format along with self attested copies of testimonials and one recent passport size photograph pasted on the application in the Office of the Vice-Chairman District Health Society (Chief Medical Officer) Nandani Hills, Samba from the date of advertisement to 30.10.2021 between 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM (except Gazetted holidays and Sundays) following COVID-19 SoPs. The advertisement and application are also available on official website of District Samba (

The lists of documents (self attested) to be attached with the application form are mentioned below JK NHM Jobs.

  • Domicile Certificate.
  • Diploma of Matriculation Mark sheets of Academic qualification.
  • Mark sheets of professional/ Technical qualification Degree/Diploma as applicable.
  • Registration Certificate from J&K Paramedical Council or any other State Council.
  • Experience Certificate, if any shall be enclosed from reputed organization with date and sign of issuing authority along with seal.
  • Marriage certificate from married female candidates duly issued by Tehsil (Registrar of Marriages) concerned.
  • Unmarried certificate from unmarried female candidates duly issued from Tehsildar concerned.
  • One passport size photograph.


Tel/Fax:- 01923246533 Email:-


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