
JKNHM Jobs Recruitment 2021.

JKNHM Jobs Recruitment 2021. | Senior Residents 08 Posts | Last date 25th of April, 2021.

JKNHM Jobs 2021: Applications on the prescribed format are invited, by National Health Mission, J&K, from the permanent residents of Jammu & Kashmir UT possessing the prescribed academic/professional qualifications for the posts of Senior Residents under DNB Programme, strictly on tenure basis for a period of 01 year (Extendable upto 03 years) in District Hospital Gandhi Nagar, Jammu as per the category-wise break-up
tabulated below.

JK NHM Jammu Jobs details.

Name of the Posts :

Senior Residents: 08 Posts.


1. Candidate can apply for these posts by downloading the application form from NHM J&K website


2. Applications as per prescribed format complete in all respects should be submitted to the office of National Health Mission, Jammu/ Srinagar personally or through representative (Jammu Office: State Health Society, Near Sainik School, Nagrota, Jammu – 181221 Kashmir Office: Block A, Ground Floor, Old Secretariat, Srinagar 190001).

3. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions and all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the post before filing the Application Form.

4. Last date for filing of Application complete in all respects is 25th of April, 2021.

5. National Health Mission Office shall not be responsible for any postal delay, if any.

6. Number of vacancies is only indicative and may increase or decrease.

7. Applications not falling in the prescribed criteria or without aforesaid documents shall be rejected out

Terms & Conditions :

  1. The candidate should be below 50 years of age.
  2. The candidate should be domicile of UT of J&K.
  3. The candidate should possess the prescribed qualification for the posts of Senior Residents – MD /DNB in the concerned discipline.
  4. Candidates if already in the Government services are required to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ under relevant rules applicable for the same from the employer at the time of Interview. Anybody employed on contractual/ adhoc basis shall also obtain ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the HoD of the concerned Department.
  5. Candidates are required to bring original testimonials as mentioned in the advertisement notice at the time of interview failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview.
  6. The candidates who have already done post PG senior residency or Registrarship in the concerned specialty are not eligible.
  7. The selected candidates will be engaged initially for a period of One (01) year, extendable upto a maximum of three (03) years, subject to good work and conduct of the candidate, during their first and second years of engagement which will be certified by the concerned Head of Departments after completion of first and second year.
  8. This engagement will not confer any right on the selected candidates to claim regular appointment. The final engagement will be subject to verification of their documents.
  9. The institute reserves the right to terminate the contract at any point of time with a prior notice of one month.
  10. The candidate on successful completion of Senior Residency shall be given teaching experience certificate for the purpose of becoming eligible for applying for faculty positions in GMCs and SKIMS in the state.
  11. Senior Residents not in Govt. service shall be paid a consolidated honorarium @ Rs. 50,000/- per month.
  12. The in-service doctors shall be paid salary as per LPC.

List of documents, self-attested, to be attached with the application form:

  • MBBS/MD/ DNB qualification certificates of the respective speciality.
  • Internship Completion Certificate.
  • MCI- State Medical Council Registration Certificate (MBBS and PG).
  • Marks sheet, duly issued by the concerned University, of all semesters/years and one consolidated marks sheet indicating marks of all the semesters/ years of the required qualification for the post applied for
  • Distinction/ National Scholarship/ Honors/ Attempt Certificate/Medals/ Academic merit certificates.
  • Attempt Certificate issued by the concerned university.
  • House Officer (House Job) experience certificate issued by the Principal concerned or equivalent recognized authority.
  • Diploma certificate/postgraduate degree certificate.
  • Date of Birth Certificate
  • Domicile Certificate
  • Rural area posting certificate from concerned directorate
  • Professional Publications in a standard medical journal, if any.
  • NOC from the State Government in case of in-service candidates.

Affidavit duly sworn before 1st class Judicial Magistrate:

  • Whether the candidate is in Government service or not.
  • The applicant has not done any post PG Registrar-ship/Sr. Residency earlier within or outside the J&K State.
  • The applicant is not on the rolls of any Medical Colleges/institutions in the country.
  • The candidate has not been convicted by any Court of Law. There are no criminal proceedings pending against the candidate.
  • The information if found wrong the deponent shall be liable to legal action under Rules which includes confiscation of the Registration of the Doctor.

Scheme of Selection:

  • All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement.
  • They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the qualifications prescribed for the post. No enquiry for advice as to the eligibility will
    be entertained.
  • The prescribed qualifications are the minimum and mere summoning of candidates for interview shall convey no assurance, whatsoever, that they will be selected. Appointment order of the selected candidates will be issued in accordance with the availability of vacancies.
  • Any further information including list of short-listed candidates, date of interview, etc. shall be uploaded on the website Candidates are advised to keep themselves updated through the website. No individual communication to the candidates shall be made in this regard.
  • NHM reserves the right to reject any or all the application(s) without assigning any reason. No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing for the interview.

JKNHM Jobs Recruitment 2021

Jammu Office: Regional Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Nagrota, Jammu.
Fax: 0191-2674114; Telephone: 2674244.Pin: 181221
Kashmir Office: A Block, Ground Floor, Old Secretariat, Srinagar. Pin: 190001
Fax: 0194-2477337; Telephone: 2477309; e-mail:
NHM Help Line for Jammu Division: 18001800104; Kashmir Division: 18001800102

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