Kashmir University Jobs Recruitment 2020.
Kashmir University Jobs Recruitment 2020.
University of Kashmir Project Fellow Jobs Recruitment 2020.
Name of the Post: Project Fellow
Essential Qualification: Masters in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/ Molecular Genetics/Molecular Cell Biology.
Salary (Consolidated): Rs. 16,000/- Month
- The last date for submission of CV is Dec. 25, 2020.
- The relevant candidates will be called for an interview on Dec. 26, 2020.
Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible and motivated candidates for 01 position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) for a period of about 10 months only i.e. upto October 2021 to work on the project “Spatial distribution of “Groundwater Quality in the Kashmir Valley with special emphasis on Metal Ion Mapping” sanctioned by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Govt, of India in favour of Prof. S Muzaffar Ali Andrabi(Principal Investigator) Department of Applied Science and Dr. Sami Ullah Bhat (Co-Principal Investigator), University of Kashmir Srinagar.The position is temporary and co-terminus with the project.
Kashmir University JRF walk in interview.
One position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) is available in the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Kashmir in the extramural project sponsored by SERB entitled “Fortification of active ingredients from saffron and sea buckthorn for development of novel functional foods” purely on contractual basis which is co-terminus with the project.
Kashmir University Project Assistant, Field Assistants Jobs.
Jammu and Kashmir Institute of Kashmir Studies University of Kashmir Invites application for Project Assistant, Field Assistants Jobs.
Kashmir University: Applications on plain paper are invited for the following positions available in the research project titled “Health Situation among Tribes in Jammu and Kashmir: A Participatory Research Appraisal of districts of Srinagar, Kargil and Rajouri” sponsored by the Indian Council of Medical Research, (ICMR) New Delhi.
Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir University Field Investigator Jobs.
A walk-in-interview for the following position under ICSSR funded Research Project Conflict, Panchayat Raj Institutions and Governance: A Study in Performance, Problems and Prospects of Panchayats in Kashmir, shall be conducted on November 4th (Wednesday), 2020 at 11:30 am, in the office of Head Department of Political Science.
Position: Field Investigator (up to four months maximum)
Number of Positions: 02
Qualification: M.A in Social Science with minimum 55 percent marks
Remuneration: 15000 per month fixed Desirous candidates are directed to report at the office of the department by 11:00 am along with relevant documents.
The posts are temporary (maximum 4 months) and subject to the satisfaction of the Project Director.
No TD/DA shall be provided
JRF / JPF Jobs in Kashmir University Department of Environmental Science.
Post date 2 Sept 2020
Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir University JRF Jobs: Interested and eligible candidates can submit their application in Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir Srinagar before 10-09-2020.
Jobs Details: Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible and motivated candidates for 01 position of Junior Research Fellow/Junior Project Fellow (JRF/JPF) for a period of 7 months only i.e up to 31 March 2021 to workin the project titled “AQUATIC MACRO INVERTEBRATES AS BIOINDICATORS- APPROACHE TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING THE ECOLOGICAL HEALTH OF STREAM ECOSYSTEMS IN KASHMIR HIMALAYA” sanctioned by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Govt, of India in favour of Dr. Sami Ullah Bhat, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir Srinagar. The position is temporary and co-terminus with the project.
Name of the Position
Monthly emoluments
As per guidelines SERB-DST and subjected to release of funds by Funding agency
Essential qualification P.G. in Environmental Science
Desirable qualification Candidates with NET/SET and working experience in the field of water pollution/Aquatic science/ Stream ecology/ shall be preferred.
How to apply
Applications along with photocopies of relevant certificates/documents indicating qualification, percentage of marks in the qualifying examination, age, experience and publication (if any), must reach the office of the undersigned in the Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir by or before 10-09-2020. The application must contain proper details like Cell No. and email).
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- The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information and documents submitted.
- Mere, possessing the prescribed qualification does not ensure that the candidate would be selected. The Candidate will be selected on the basis of merit, performance in interview and according to the need of the project
- TA/DA is not admissible for appearing in the interview.
- Interview will be held both offline as well as online depending on choice of applicants in view of COVID-19 Pandemic
SRF Jobs in Kashmir University.
Post dat2 27 Aug 2020.
Kashmir University Jobs: Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the below mentioned position purely on temporary basis under the research project titled “Community Based Intervention on Mental Health in Kashmir sanctioned by ICMFCNew Delhi.
Name of the Position: SRF (1) (Initially for 6 Months, Extendable)
Monthly emoluments: As per Norms of Funding Agency
Eligibility: M. Sc Clinical Psychology. M. Phil/PhD in Clinical Psychology. M. Phil /Ph.D in Psychiatric Social Work, MSW with experience of 3 years in conducting Training and Counseling.
The candidates should mail their resume indicating contact details, qualification, age, percentage of marks and certificate of having qualified NET and/or similar accredited tests and research experience in the relevant field.
Note: The medium and date of the Interview shall be communicated by Telephone to all the eligible candidates.
How to apply Kashmir University:
The applications along with relevant documents pertaining to qualification and experience (if any) and contact details can be mailed to projku117@gmail.com by or before 31 August 2020.
Kashmir University Jobs Recruitment 2020.
Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for below mentioned tenure based posts in various Campuses/Departments/Units of the University.
Last date for submission of Online and Hard copy of Application Forms is 24th August and 31st August, 2020 respectively.
Detailed Advertisement Notice is available on the University website at www.kashmiruniversity.net.
Kashmir University Department of Zoology JPF, JRF Jobs Recruitment 2020.
Post date July 22 2020
Advertisement Notice for Research Positions under NMHS funded Project Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates for the below-mentioned positions available in a research project entitled “Development of low-cost commercial fish feed for two cultured carp species of Kashmir valley using locally available aquatic macrophytes for regional socio-economic development” sanctioned by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF & CC) under its program ‘National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS): to the undersigned.
The positions are initially for a penod of one year extendable for a period of three years depending upon the performance of the candidate.
These positions are purely temporary and are co-terminus with the project. The desirous candidates should submit the soft copies of their brief CV mentioning details (name, age, working contact number, e-mail, qualification certificates, publications if any, etc.) and other relevant documents at the e-mail: imtiazamu1@yahoo.com by or before 4:00 PM, 03-08-2020.
The date, time and mode of interview of eligible candidates will be communicated separately via E-mail/Telephone. The requisite terms and conditions, qualification, remuneration, etc. for the same are given below:
S. No. | Description of posts/ Remuneration | No. of posts | Essential
Qualification |
Desirable qualification |
01. | Junior Project Fellow (JPF)
Rs.20,000/- + HRA @ 16% per month for first two years and Rs.23,000/- + HRA @ 16% per month for third year. |
01 | M.Sc in Zoology with specialization in Fishery Science (55%) or Master in Fisheries Science (M.FSc) with at least 55% of marks. | Working knowledge of computer with experience in Statistical analysis aid various physico-chemical aspects of water bodies shall be preferred. Besides, the candidate must have the capability to visit various aquatic habitats for the purpose of collection of macrophytes. |
02. | Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Rs.31,000/-+ HRA @ 16% per month for first two years and Rs.35,000/-+ HRA @ 16% per month for third year. |
01 | M.Sc in Zoology with specialization in Fishery Science (55%) or Master in Fisheries Science (M.FSc) with at least 55% of marks. | Working knowledge of computer NET/GATE/SET qualified with experience in Statistical analysis; Biochemical techniques in fisheries and analysis of various physico-chemical aspects of water bodies shall be preferred. Besides, the candidate must be having a knowledge on the basic concept about fish feed formulation and feeding. |
Note: The emoluments mentioned above would be contingent upon the guidelines/norms of the funding agency notified from time to time.
No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the interview.
No: F. (Advt./NMHS.Proj.Aqua.) Zool/KU 2020.
(NAAC Accredited Grade’A’)
Kashmir University JRF Recruitment 2020.
Post name 21 July 2020.
The interested and eligible candidates are invited for an online interview to be held on July 29th, 2020 at 11:30 AM for filling up the position of Junior Research Fellow in a DBT-Govt. of India funded project entitled “Dissecting the role of Vigilin/Vgl1 in Genome stability”. The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
Name of the position Junior Research Fellow (1)
Monthly emoluments Rs. 31000+ 16% HRA
Eligibility M.Sc Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Clinical Biochemistry with not less than 55% marks in the qualifying exam. Candidates having experience in handling animal tissue culture, expertise in molecular biology and epigenetic would be preferred.
How to apply Kashmir University?
The candidates should send their resume indicating contact details, qualification, age, percentage of marks and certificate of having qualified NET and/or similar accredited tests and research experience in the relevant field (if any) to altafbhat@uok.edu.in before July 27th, 2020.
Login details would be sent to eligible candidates on the day of interview.
Last Date: July 27th, 2020.
Attention Please :
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