Northern Railway Jobs Recruitment 2021.
Northern Railway Jobs Recruitment 2021.
Northern Railway desired to hire the 19 (Nineteen) Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) over and above the vacancy contain the COVID-19 pandemic on contract basis in Divisional Hospital/Firozpur, Northern Railway for a period up to 30.06.2021 from the date of engagement or till the pandemic of COVID-19 continues, whichever, is earlier.
Northern Railway Jobs Details
Post name Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs)
Total posts 9 (Nineteen)
1. Important:
Remuneration as under:-
Category of CMPs Monthly Remuneration (in Rs.) General Duty 75,000/-
Remuneration for Retired Railway doctors & central/State Govt, retired doctors:-
Consolidated remuneration at the rates of Rs. 46,000/- per month will be admissible (subject to the condition that remuneration + Pension drawn should not exceed the last pay drawn),if Govt, accommodation is not provided . If Govt, accommodation is provided, an amount equivalent to House Rent Allowance payable to a fresh entrant to Group-A Jr. Scale and licence fee of Railway accommodation so provided shall be deducted from the monthly remuneration payable to CMP.
2. Age Limit:-
Candidates at the entry level for appointment as CMPs from below 30 years to 50 years of age will be reckoned as on the date of the Notification. However, age relaxation of 05 years SC/ST and 03 years for OBC candidates.
Age limit for retired railway doctors and central/state Govt, retired doctors:
Candidates should not have completed more than 67 years of age will be reckoned as on the date of the Notification.
3. Terms & Conditions:
Engagement of doctors would be on contract basis initially for a period up to 30.06.2021 from the date of engagement or till the pandemic of COVID-19 continues, whichever is earlier, as per administrative requirement on the basis of assessment of performance of CMPs. However, service of these doctors can be terminated even before 30.06.2021 after giving 15 days notice on either side. Railway administration reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time during the contract by giving 15 days notice or payment of 15 days remuneration without assigning any reason what soever. It will also not confer upon them any right for regularization or permanent absorbtion in the Railways. The engagement shall purely be on contract basis for a period up to 30.06.2021 from the date of appointment or till the pandemic of COVID-19 continues, whichever is earlier or otherwise.
4. Terms & Condition for retired railway doctors & central/State Govt. Retired doctors:-
Engagement of retired Railway doctors & central/state Govt. Doctors as CMPs would be purely on contract basis initially for a period up to 30.06.2021 as per administrative requirement. The engagement of CMPs shall be for as period up to 30.06.2021 or less from the date of entering into contract or till a regular icumbent joins or on attaining the age of 67 years by the retired railway & central/state Govt, doctors engaged as CMPs shall not have any claim or right for his/her continuity in service or automatic extension of the term of contract. During the validity of contract, the CMP shall be at liberty to terminate the contract for betterment of his/her carrier or on any ground by giving 15 days notice to the Railway. Railway administration reserves the right to terminate contract at any time during the contract by giving 15 days notice remuneration without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Medical examination of the candidates will be held after walk-in interview.
5. Essential Education qualification:
i. For General Duty Doctors: MBBS degree (with completion of internships) from any University/lnstitution recognized by Indian Medical Council.
Experience: For general duty doctors, the candidates with experience will be given preference. Contract is liable to be terminated, if the contract medical practitioner is found to be mentally or physically incapacitated.
How to apply Northern Railway
Eligible candidates having the following qualifications, age, experience and fulfilling other terms and conditions may fill up the prescribed format attached as Annexure “A” and also bring the same alongwith all relevant documents duly attested which reporting for walk in interview which is to be held on 01.05.2021 at 10.00hrs in CMS’s office, Divisional Hospital, N. Rly, Firozpur.
- i. The Doctor so engaged on contract basis will not be allowed for private practice.
- ii. The contract doctor shall not be entitled for Railway quarter etc as matter of right.
- iii. Candidates should bring their application form along with original and attested copies of all educational. certificates & mark-sheets(alongwith experience certificate). NoTA/DAis admissible.
- iv. SC/ST/OBC candidates should bring their caste certificate with certificates required as iii.
- v. Retired Doctors will bring a copy of their Pension payment order(PPO).
- vi. The information of engagement all contract to selected candidates shall be issued subject to availability of vacancy as per requirement in Hospital/Health Units located at different station on “as is where basis is’. Administrative reserves the right to change the place of posting and number of vacancy as per administrative needs. The CMP specialist doctors by Railway administration is addition to their special work.
- vii. Unfilled post of specialist will be filled up by General Duty Medical practitioners.
- viii. The place of notified vacancies can be changed as per requirement of the administration.
- ix. The notification can be downloaded from Northern Railways websites
- x. After approval of the panel by competent authority, the panel will be uploaded at Northern Railways websites suitable candidates will be intimated telephonically or through SMS to report* at Divisional Office/Firozpur for posting. The candidates who do not report at the assigned date and time will forfeit their chance of correct engagement and such engagement will be offered to the next empanelled candidate.
- xi. Depending on administrative exigencies. Railway administration reserves the right to modify number of vacancies and station of posting and cancellation of notification without any further notice.
As per extant instructions of Railway Board New Delhi vide letter No. 2020/E(GR)II/COVID-19WFH/1 dated 28.03.2020, letter No.2020/E(GR)II/COVID-19WHF/1 dated 31.03.2020 and dated 24.12.2020 Firozpur Division/
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