
SKIMS Walk-In-Interview

SKIMS Soura Jobs Data Manager vacancy

Walk-in interview for the following post purely on a temporary basis for the duration of 06 months for the Department of Clinical Research, SKIMS.

Name of the posts:

Capture 23

How to apply: Candidates should bring the application on the plain page along with a CV with a photograph and self-attested copies of all relevant certificates/documents and shall reach the Auditorium SKIMS/Office of undersigned on Saturday (13/08/2022) at 10:30 AM


Terms & conditions:

  • The post will be filled up purely on a temporary basis.
  • The appointment can be terminated with two months’ notice from either side without assigning any reason
  •  Since the post is purely temporary, the candidates selected will have no claim for regular appointments under the above project or continuation of his/her services in any other project. Also, the candidate cannot claim for any regular appointment at this Institute after the termination of the project.
  • No TA/DA etc. will be given to attend the Interview or joining of post and the candidate should make his/her own arrangement to stay for an interview and join of the post.
  • Qualification and experience should be from any Govt. recognized reputed organization.
  • Experience will be counted only after completion of minimum education qualification.
  • Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee for the interview call and selection.

Government of Jammu & Kashmir Sher-l-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura Department of Clinical Research

Important Link for Candidates appearing in  JKSSB Upcoming Exams.


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