
SMVDU JRF Jobs Recruitment 2020.

SMVDU JRF Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Jammu and Kashmir Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University SMVDU Kakryal Katra Jobs update.

Advertisement for Walk-in-Interview for JRF position in DRDQ funded project

Project Title: Active Radar Absorbers based on Frequency Selective Surface: Active Stealth Technology.

SMVDU requires qualified and experienced candidates purely on temporary & contractual basis for the post ofJunior Research Fellow at a fixed fellowship amount of Rs. 25,000/ plus HRA@16% (if hostel accommodation is not provided) in DRDO sponsored project entitled Active Radar Absorbers based on Frequency Selective Surface: Active Stealth Technology.

Eligibility:The candidates should have M. Tech. /M.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering with minimum 60% marks. However, GATE qualification is desirable. The prior knowledge of CST Microwave Studio and MATLAB software are desirable. The upper age limit is 28 years (relax-able by 5 years for SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Female candidates).


Duration:The appointment will be for approx 06 months, solely based on performance. The above position is purely on contractual basis and coterminus with the project. Applications shall be scrutinized on the basis of qualification, experience and suitability of the candidate to the work. Interested & eligible applicants should bring their complete Bio-Data, along with DoB/Qualification (10th onwardsj/Experience Certificates (photocopies duly Self attested along with originals for verification purposes), and two self-attested passport size coloured photographs on the aforesaid date and time.

No TA shall be admissible to the candidates for appearing in the Walk-in-Interviews.

Date& Time of Walk-in-Interview: 06-10-2020

Venue: Online (Mode)

Contact Person: Dr.KumudRanjanJha, Associate Professor, School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SMVD University, Katra, J&K, email:


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