J&K Fire & Emergency Services Recruitment 142 Posts
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J&K Fire & Emergency Services Recruitment 2018(Divisional Cadre Kashmir)
Applications are invited Online from eligible candidates (Migrants/Kashmiri Pandits) of Kashmir Valley for recruitment as Fireman/ Fireman driver in Fire & Emergency Services, J&K (Kashmir Province) under Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Package against the Supernumerary posts in the Pay Band-I of Rs. 5200-20200 + GP 1900/- (Now revised Level-2 19900-63200) in accordance with provisions of SRO 412 of 2009 dated 30.12.2009 read with SRO-425 of 2017 dated 10.10.2017 as per the following category-wise breakup:-
Age limit
b) Are having age as on 01.01.2018:
i Not below 18 years; and ii. Not above:-
a. 28 years in case of Open Merit;
b. 30 years in case of SC/ST candidates;
c. 32 years in case of candidates in Government service.
c. Are in possession of the prescribed academic/professional/technical qualifications and fulfill all other
eligibility conditions wherever required as shown below, by or before the last date of submission of
application forms i.e. 25.07.2018:-
i. Shall not be less than 1.68 metres in height and having chest measurement of not less than 86 cms when expanded with an expansion of not less than 5 cms;
ii. Shall have to satisfy the Departmental Recruitment Board of its ability to carry a person weighing between 63.5 and 75.5 kgs to a distance of 91.44 metres in a time not exceeding 60 seconds;
iii. Shall run two and half kms within 12 minutes;
iv. Shall perform twenty five bent knee sit ups within 90 seconds;
v. Shall, from a completely extended arm position, pull the body upward so as to chin the horizontal bar being grasped by the hand, palm away, a total of five consecutive times;
vi. Shall, when given a beam secured to the level floor and masonry seven metres long by seven to ten cms wide and given a length of fire-hose weighing at least 17 kgs. shall walk the length of beam, carrying the length of the hose, without falling off or stepping off the beam; and
vii. Shall have to execute a Bond with the department after his selection as direct recruit or on the prescribed form to be provided by the department at the time of formal selection/joining to serve at least for seven years in the service after completion of required training courses.Advertisement
How to apply
Instructions and procedure for online submission of Application Form
1. The applications forms will be available online on Fire & Emergency Services J&K website (www.fireandemergencv.jk.gov.in).
2. Instructions for filing the online forms are available on the Fire & Emergency Services J&K Website.
3. The candidates are required to read the eligibility conditions carefully before filing the forms as no corrections will be allowed at any subsequent stage. Candidates are advised to keep a soft copy of their scanned Photograph and signatures ready with them while filling the form.
4. The candidates have the option to either deposit fee amount of Rs. 300/- (Three hundred) online or use the service Common Service Centres. In case of non availability of online payment facility, the candidates may use the option of depositing the application fee through Bank Challan. Candidates are requested to read and follow these instructions carefully as no amount once deposited will never be refunded for reasons whatsoever.
A payment challan generated by the website is no guarantee of successful payment. Candidates are advised to keep proof of any offline payment for future reference.
Please ensure your eligibility as per the criteria laid in the advertisement notice.
Candidate is allowed to submit only one application Form. Multiple Applications Form of a candidate are liable to be rejected.
Last date of submission of online applications form will be 27.07.2018.
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