
Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

Handicrafts jobs Craft Development Institute Srinagar invites applications from eligible candidates for the post of Director as per CDI Service Rules, 2005.

Craft Development Institute Srinagar jobs details

Name of the post  Director 

No. of posts 1 (one)

Scale of pay 14300-400-18300 


Qualification for  Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

Graduate or Postgraduate/ Professional Qualification from a recognized National or International Institution of Design/ Fine Arts/ Applied Arts/Architecture /Engineering/ Business Administration & Management.

Essential for  Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

15 years of working experience in a relevant field. Work experience should include an integrated role in professional capacity and education with administrative responsibilities in a reputed organization or Institution. Additionally, the candidate must have demonstrated capabilities of project management, leadership and evolving innovative approaches.

Desired for  Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

20 years working experience with extensive involvement in a craft oriented organization or project and an exposure base of international market and business trends in the area of handicrafts and hard goods. Multi-disciplinary exposure and working skills.

Age limit for  Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

50 years as on 1st January, 2017 upto 60 years or removal/ relinquish the post with 30 days prior notice from either side.



Fees for  Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

Rs. 250/- in the shape of Demand Draft (DD) favouring Craft Development Institute, Srinagar.

How to apply for  Jobs in Craft Development Institute Srinagar CDI

The applications complete in all respects with supporting documents should reach to the office of the Director Handicrafts, J&K Government, Kashmir Haat (Exhibition Ground) Srinagar by or before 17 th July, 2017.

Last Date 17 th July, 2017

For more Details Contact 

Directorate of Handicrafts Kashmir Haat, Exhibition Grounds Srinagar
Phone Nos: 0194-2472065, 0194- 2476697, 0191-2475536 Email:



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