
Jobs in Govt Dental College and Hospital

Govt Dental College and Hospital Recruitment 2018

Applications on the prescribed forms on payment of Rs. 300/=(Rupees three hundred) only against proper G. R are invited from the Dental Graduates who are permanent residents of the Jammu and Kashmir state and who have completed their internship from the recognized Dental Institutions & are registered with the J&K State Dental Council for the tenure post of full-time House Officers for a period of “ONE YEAR” on consolidated stipend as per norms in the following disciplines:-

Name of the specialty

1 Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
2 Oral & Maxillofacial Surqery
3 Periodontics
4 Prosthodontics
5 Orthodontics



The application form can be had from the office of the Principal/Dean, Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar during office hours on all working days up to 13-06-2018 at 3 P.M. The candidates who down load their application forms from official website i.e shall submit the hard copy alongwith G.R @ Rs. 300/= in the office of Principal/Dean, Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar.

The application forms, as referred to above should reach to the office of the undersigned on or before 14-06-2018 at 3 P. M. alongwith copies of the following documents duly attested by the Gazetted officer:-

1. BDS Degree Certificate (2 copies)

2. Ist to Final year Marks Certificates (2 copies of each certificate)

3. Attempt Certificate (2 copies)

4. Internship completion certificate (2 copies)

5. State Subject Certificate (one copy)

6. State Dental Council (J&K) Registration Certificate, (One copy) along with up-to-date renewal certificate.

7. Certificate of prizes, medal, honours, national scholarship, awards etc. if any.

8. Certificate of extra-curricular activities/sports, if any issued by the competent authority.

9. Date of Birth Certificate, (one copy)

10. Merit/sports certificate if any (2 copies)


Written examination (Multiple choice type questions) of the eligible candidates for House Officers shall be held on 23-06-2018 at 11:00 AM in Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar


The appointment of Dental House Officers shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:-

1. The Selection of House Officers in Govt. Dental College, Srinagar shall be in order of preference as given hereunder:

a) . Dental Graduates from Govt. Dental College, Srinagar;

b) . Dental Graduates other than Govt. Dental College, Srinagar but permanent residents of Jammu & Kashmir State.

2. The candidate, who is interested to apply for more than one specialty shall have to apply for each specialty separately on separate form, the candidate shall also give the orders of preference specialty-wise.

3. Application form deficit of any of the above certificates will not be entertained.

4. The House Surgeons will be whole timer and will be non-practicing.

5. During their tenure as Dental House Officers, they will be governed by the J&K Govt. Service conduct rules.

6. During tenure as House Surgeons, they shall not be entitled to any kind of leave except casual leave for fifteen days only. The casual leaves shall not be availed by the Doctors proportionately due during the month. The House Officers availing excess leave during the period of House Job shall have to repeat the same in his/her own interest without any stipend only on compassionate grounds if authorities are satisfied and after obtaining prior permission from the Principal/Dean, Govt. Dental College, Srinagar.

7. The House Surgeon selected will be allowed to avail casual leave only after they earn such leave during the period of House Job.

8. The House Surgeons will receive a consolidated stipend as prescribed under rules for a period of one year only as sanctioned by the Government.

9. The services of the House Officers shall be terminated by the Principal/Dean, Govt. Dental College, Srinagar, without prior notice as and when their work and conduct is reported to be’ unsatisfactory by the Head of the Department or any officer with whom they are working. The House surgeon, shall not be allowed to take part directly or indirectly in any strikes on any pretext, in such event any house surgeon if found involved in such practice, his/her house job shall be deemed to have been cancelled with immediate effect without any further notice.

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10. The stipend for one month will be kept withheld and will be paid only after successful completion of full tenure of House Job.

11. Doctors who have already done house job are not required to apply.

12. No TA or DA shall be paid to the candidates appearing for the written Examination.

13. The candidates have to furnish an affidavit duly attested by the 1 Class Magistrate that he/she has not done House Job in any Institution (in any specialty) and shall not involve himself/herself in any strike alongwith application form.

14. The House Officers selected in various departments will be put on Emergency duties in the Hospital on rotational basis as per the monthly roaster issued by Head of Department Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar. Strict action under rules will be taken against those who do not attend the duties as per roaster.

15. No experience certificate shall be issued if the candidate does not complete his/her tenure.


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