SKIMS Soura Srinagar Recruitment 2018 Total 198 Posts
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Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences SKIMS Srinagar J&K Recruitment 2018. In latest employment notification applications are invited for various jobs.
Bumper J&K Govt Permanent Jobs in SKIMS Kashmir. SKIMS invites application for following positions. Staff Nurse, Junior Pharmacist, Technician, Steam boiler operator, Electrician, Mechanic, Lab Attendant, Post Mortem attendant, Nursing Aid, CSSD Attendant, Masalchi, Gardner, Washerman, Tier Attendant, Greaser Grade. Total 198 Posts
SKIMS Jobs Details
Online applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates who are permanent residents of Jammu & Kashmir State for the posts mentioned below:-
Total posts 198
Age as on 01.01.2018,
Minimum : 18 years.
i. 40 years for general category candidates.
ii. 40 years in case of candidates already in Government service/contractual employees.
iii. 42 years in case of physically challenged candidates.
iv. 43 years in case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates/RBA/ALC/Social Caste.
v. 48 years in case of Ex-Servicemen.
In respect of in-service SKIMS employees the upper age limit shall be determined in terms of Govt. Order No. 09-SKIMS of 2013, Dated: 08-03 -2013.
1. The necessary instruction for filling-up of online application form are available on SKIMS website,
2. The last date for the submission of online application forms as prescribed above shall be the cutoff date for determining the eligibility to apply for the post.
3. The application form for the above mentioned posts shall be filled online along with scanned copies of requisite certificates/ Documents, to be uploaded in (.pdf) format on SKIMS website ( only and no any other mode of submission of application form shall be entertained.
4. A link for online filling of application form shall be available on SKIMS website from 10-08-2018 to 10-09-2018.
5. The candidate is required to upload the images of recent photograph, signature and thumb impression specimen, images to be uploaded should be only in (‘.jpeg, *.jpg).
Size of photograph (passport size) must be between 20 kb to 50kb
Size of the signature and thumb impression must be between 10 kb to 20kb.
6. Candidates must take a printout of the fee payment challan after successful filling of application form.
7. Candidates can deposit fees of Rs. 300 (Rupees Three hundred Only) in any branch of J & K Bank in the account number specified and printed on the payment e-challan only.
8. Candidates cannot edit their application form after submission.
9. Candidates should ensure that their personal email ID as specified in the online application form while applying for any post shall be kept active during the concurrence of a recruitment process.
10. Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such application would be rejected.
11. Candidates should not submit a printout of the application / fee payment receipt (Challan) to SKIMS at this stage.
12. The application printout along with the ur at jkalerts fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for interview.
13. The in-service candidates/contractual employees shall submit photocopy of filled online application form through proper channel viz. the concerned Head of Department. In the event of failure of the candidate to route the application through proper channel, his eligibility shall be assessed as if he is not an in-service candidate.The Head of Department concerned shall forward the application form of the in- service candidates to the office of Administrative Officer, Policy within 30 days after the last date of filling of application form.
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14. The candidate must produce the original qualification/category certificates/ Bona fide certificates in case of qualifications obtained outside the J&K State before the Committee constituted for oral test or as and when SKIMS may call such documents so that their eligibility for participation in the physical test/ written test/ interview or any other test is verified. ur at jkalerts dot comAny candidate who fails to produce the relevant documents/ testimonials on the scheduled date shall not be allowed to appear in written / oral test or other test.
15. No TA/ DA will be paid for participation in the written test/ interview.
16. The horizontal reservation for Ex-Serviceman and Physically Handicapped persons to the extent of 6 % and 3 % respectively means the reservation which would cut across the vertical reservation and the persons selected shall have to be placed in the appropriate category by making necessary adjustments. In respect of Physically Handicapped persons the reservation shall be available only for services, posts and type of handicap identified for the purpose by the competent authority under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Persons with Disabilities ur at jk alerts dot com(Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1998 and to the extent specified therein read with Govt. Order No. 1470-SW of 2014, dated 17-06-2014.
17. The Recruitment shall be strictly in terms of Jammu and Kashmir Special Recruitment Rules 2015 notified vide SRO 202 of 2015 dated: 30-06-2015.
Application fee Rs 300
Important dates
a. Date of Commencement for Submission of online application forms : 10-08-2018
b. Last date for submission of online application forms : 10-09-2018
ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE NO. 02 OF 2018 Dated: July 23rd 2018.
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