
SKUAST Division of Agricultural Engineering Jobs, Required Computer Assistant

SKUAST Division of Agricultural Engineering Jobs, Required Computer Assistant


On line /plain paper giving full details of qualification and research experience are invited for contractual engagement of following coterminous position available (fixed emoluments of Rs 20,000.0 per month engaged upto 31 March, 2017) under the project” Education Needs for Precision Agriculture(ICAR Extramural)’’ on the following terms and condition.

Position  Computer Assistant

Minimum qualification MCA/M. Tech. (Soil and Water Engineering)froma recognized University with above 60% marks. –Knowledge of computer/ software’s of precision agriculture



1. Applicant will be paid and governed by the terms and conditions of ICAR( Extramural project norms)

2. Application with relevant documents must reach to the undersigned: Division of Agricultural Engineering, SKUAST- Kashmir / online by mail by or before 15 October, 2016

3. Application should contain e-mail ID as well as phone number

4. The computer Assistant have no legal right to claim legalization/ appointment in the university

5. No TA/DA will be given for appearing interview

6. Only eligible short listed candidates will be contacted for interview with date and venue. Further details can had from the undersigned/university website:


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