
District Magistrate Budgam Important Notification.

District Magistrate Budgam Important Notification.

Imposition of restrictions under section 144 Cr. PC in District Budgam.

ORDER NO: 69 / DMB of 2020 Dated 15-04-2020

i. Whereas, the prevailing health situation due to NOVELCORONAVIRUS(COVID-19) has given rise to serious concerns in the country including UT of J&K.

ii. Whereas, COVID-19 has a pattern of transmission at a rapid rate, therefore prescribed preventive protocols including avoiding mass gatherings etc. are to be strictly adhered to;


iii. Whereas, the Government in the UT of J&K has already taken series of steps to prevent the spread of NOVEL CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) in the UT of J&K which includes closure of all Educational Institutions, Offices, Businesses, Markets etc.

iv. Whereas, there is an urgent need to take further precautionary steps to avoid the spread of this dreadful disease in District Budgam;

v. Whereas, Section 144 Cr. PC empowers the District Magistrate to issue certain directions / orders in urgent cases of nuisances or apprehended danger when it is considered that such direction is likely to prevent danger to human life, health or safety etc.

Now, therefore, in view of the above mentioned facts I, Tariq Hussain Ganai (KAS) District Magistrate, Budgam in exercise of the powers vested in me under section 144 of Cr. PC do hereby impose restrictions / ban on the assembly / gathering of 05 or more than 05 persons at any public place in entire territorial jurisdiction of Budgam District which includes all towns with immediate effect up to 3rd May, 2020 (08:00 pm).

Any violation of this order by any person shall invite strict action under law. Since it is not possible to serve this order individually it shall be circulated in electronic / print media and social media for information of general public; Issued today on 15th April 2020 under my seal and signature.

Phone / Fax 01951-255203/255204


Attention Please :
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