
Kashmir university On-line Applications are invited from appearing in Entrance Test


On-line Applications are invited from the eligible candidates (Bachelors) for appearing in Entrance Test

(KUET) for admission to the below mentioned Programmes for the academic session 2016.

I Masters Programme in: Arabic. English. Hindi. Kashmiri, Library & Information Science, Linguistics, Persian. Sanskrit. Urdu. Commerce. Education, M. Ed., M.P.Ed.. Economics, History, Islamic Studies, Kashmir & South Asian Studies, Mass Communication & Journalism. Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, Biochemistry. Biotechnology, Botany, Bioresources, Clinical Biochemistry, Zoology, Computer Applications, Electronics & Instrumentation Technology, Home Science (Dietetics & Clinical Nutrition, Food Science & Nutrition. Extension & Communication and Human Development), Food Science & Technology, Information Technology, Chemistry. Disaster Management, Environmental Science, Geography, Applied Geology, Geo-Informatics, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics Bachelors Programme in Law: LLB (3 year Professional)


II Eligibility:

Candidates having passed the qualifying examination (Bachelors) with the required percentage and subject combinations reflected in the Prospectus-2016 available on the official website of the University are eligible to apply for appearing in KUET. However, candidates having appeared in the qualifying examination (Bachelors) can also apply provisionally on their risk and responsibility, subject to fulfilling all eligibility conditions including acquiring minimum required percentage on the date of issuance of 1* selection list.
Programme Minimum required Percentage
Open Merit 50%
Reserved Categories 45%
M.Sc. Biotechnology and M.Ed.
Open Merit 55%
Reserved Categories 50%
All Other programmes
Open Merit 45%
Reserved Categories 40%

Detailed eligibility criteria for various Programmes offered by the University are mentioned in the Prospectus-2016 available on the University Wfebsite www.kashmiruniversity net under the link Admissions 2016.

The syllabi prescribed for Entrance Test and previous Entrance papers are also available on the same linki.e. Admissions-2016.
Important dates
Submission of On-line Forms February 04, 2016
Lastdateof submission of On-line/Hard Copy of Application Forms in respect of Reserved Category candidates February 12, 2016
Conduct of Entrance Examinations (tentative) From February 20, 2016

IV Submission of On-Line Application Forms:

The candidates are advised to follow the following steps for filling their On-Line Application Forms. Step-1: Visit or and click on Link

Admissions 2016. Read Important Instructions for Registration and Submission of Form carefully before proceeding further.

Step-2: Candidate needs to register him/herself before submitting the Online Application Form. For

Registration with the System Click on the Register as Student link. Remember the Username and Password for future reference. Use valid mobile no. and e-mail -ID during registration process.

Step-3: Select the desired Programmes and Campus/College Preferences and Upload your latest

passport size photograph and specimen signature.

Step-4: Preview the Form displayed on the screen. If details are correct, click on Submit. If there is

any variation click on Previous button, make corrections and then Submit. Get a printout of the Form and note the Form No. for future reference.

Step-5: Deposit the Entrance Test Fee of Rs. 500/ – for one Programme (plus Rs. 10/- Bank charges)

and Rs. 250/- for each subsequent Programme, through Online mode or against the Bank Pay-in-Slip generated with the Application Form, in any of the branches of the J&K Bank Ltd. across the Country.

V Submission of downloaded Application Forms (Hard copy):

■ Open Merit candidates need not to submit Hard Copy of their downloaded Application Form. However, they must keep it with them for future reference.

■ A candidates applying under any Reserved Category shall submit the hard copy of Application Form alongwith self attested photocopy of reserved category certificate at the Admission Helpline Counter at Humanities Block (Ground Floor), University of Kashmir. Each such candidate shall bring the Original Reserved Category Certificate alongwith him/her for on spot verification at the above mentioned counter.

■ The Reserved Category Candidates residing at or applying from Leh, Kargil. Gurez, Tanghdhar and outside Kashmir Division/J&K State can send the Hard Copy of Application Form alongwith all required documents duly attested by Gazetted officer through Speed Post/Courier only to the Convener Admissions, C/o Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar-190006 The candidates shall ensure that the same reaches by or before the last date fixed for the purpose.

VI Additional information:

• The candidates must check the status of their Application Forms after four days of online submission of Application Form In case, the status of Application is not updated to “Accepted” or fee reconciliation is pending, the candidate should contact the Admission Helpline Desk at Directorate of IT & SS, University of Kashmir, alongwith Application Form, Fee Receipt, and all other documents, within two days after the last date of submission of Application Forms. Thereafter, no claim, whatsoever, will be entertained by the University.

• Submission of Application Forms and appearance in the Entrance Test is subject to determination of eligibility for admission to the Programme by reference to the Admission Policy-2016 available on the University website

• The detailed Date Sheet for conduct of Entrance Test shall be issued separately.

• Notification for Self Financed Seats shall be issued after issuance of 1s’ selection list. However, only those candidates shall be considered for admission under Self Financed Seats Category, who have appeared in the Entrance Test of the subject.

• The admission notification for MBA, MBA (Financial Management), IMBA. MCME, MTTM. LL.M, BA-LLB (5-Years). B.Pharm (4-Years), B.Tech, M.Pharm, PG Diploma. Diploma and Certificate Courses shall be issued separately.


– Office of the Dean Academic Affairs: Direct Numbers: 0194-2272008,0194-2272007

■ Office of the Convener Admissions: 9697081057

■ Public Relation Officer: 0194-2272172, 2272188

■ Email ID:


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