
C-DYTE Skill Training Course Admission Notification.

C-DYTE Skill Training Course Admission Notification.

Applications (online) for the FIFTH C-DYTE Batch (12 December 2022 to 11 March, 2023) are invited from young candidates (both male and female) of fifteen blocks falling in Revenue Sub-Divisions of Jammu South, Jammu North, R.S.Pura, Marh, Akhnoor, Khour and Chouki Choura for undergoing three months Skill (Physical & Academic) Training Course in respective Centres for District Youth Training & Empowerment(CDYTE)

Aim of C-DYTE.

C-DYTE. an initiative of District Administration Jammu in collaboration with Mission Youth to equip the district youth who are desirous and eligible to get entry into Indian Army, Paramilitary or Police, with necessary physical and mental skills thereby facilitating their recruitment into the armed forces and other Competitive exams conducted by various Government Agencies like JKSSB, SSC etc.

  • The training would lay stress on building physical endurance and mental ability.
  • The training would be conducted daily, except Sunday in morning (session) only.
  • No Fee will be charged from the trainees.
  • Only medically fit candidates in basic criteria will be shortlisted for actual admission.
  • The Centre would only equip the trainees and is not responsible for guaranteeing any Employment in the Armed Forces

Other Facilities :


1. Online Registration: The center will provide free of cost facility of registration for online application forms advertised by recruitment agencies.

2. Career Counselling/Drug Abuse Sessions: In collaboration with the department of labour and employment and special counselors, sessions for career counseling/Drug abuse will be conducted for the trainees.

3. Inter-Centre Competitions: Trainees will be given the opportunity to participate in the inter-centre sports events like cross country, athletic meet etc.

Eligibility Criteria (Physical, Training) :

1. Candidate should be a citizen of India and a domicile of J&K state.

2. Candidate should be a resident of district Jammu and concerned block preferably.

3. Educational Qualification: 10th Pass (minimum) and maximum no bar.

4. Age: 171/2 to 30 yrs

Shortlisting Criteria :

1. The candidates would be screened by conducting a basic fitness medical examination.

2. Further shortlisting, if required would be done on following parameters:-

a) Resident (on the basis of domicile) of concerned block would be preferred.

b) Candidates on the higher age bracket would be given preference.

c) Academic merit would be given preference.

Submission of forms :

Online applications should be submitted via Google form through the link given below: OR via email at or by or before 10th of December 2022.

Complete Notification: Click here

Important Link for Candidates appearing in  JKSSB Upcoming Exams.

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