
GMC DODA Jobs Recruitment 2022.

GMC DODA Jobs Recruitment 2022.

GMC Doda Jobs Advertisement for engagement of Faculty on academic arrangement basis under S.O 364 dated 27-11-2020 in Government Medical College, Doda.


In terms of S.O 364 dated 27-11-2020, applications on plain paper are invited from Non-PSC/ Retired Medical Professional for engagement as Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis in GMC Doda, initially for a period of three years in case of Professor and Associate Professor and for a period of one year in case of Assistant Professor, extendable up to a maximum of six years (one year at a time and subject to good performance and conduct) or till the selection is made in accordance with recruitment rules governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier. Further, the extension after three years shall be made on year to year basis by the Principal, only after approval from the Administrative Department.

GMC DODA Jobs Recruitment 2022.


The candidates shall submit the copies of the following documents with their applications online at

1. MBBS Degree and MCI Registration Certificate/ Post-graduation Degree in the concerned discipline from a University duly recognized by University Grants Commission in case of Non-Medical candidates.

2. Post-Graduation Degree and MCI Registration Certificate (in case of Medical candidates)/ Certificate of Doctorate from a University duly recognized by University Grants Commission in case of Non-Medical candidates.

3.Experience certificate issued by the Competent Authority/Head of the Institution.

4. Professional Publications, published prescribed. in indexed/ national journals, as

5. Date of birth Certificate.

The appointees on academic arrangement bases shall be paid a monthly consolidated salary as per the scales defined in the S.O 364 dated 27-11-2020 plus DA and HRA. The Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors appointed in Govt. Medical College, Doda will be entitled to additional monthly incentives of Rs.50,000/-, Rs.45,000/- and Rs.30,000/- respectively.

Staff engaged on teaching post shall be put on teaching and research duties and shall not be assigned any administrative duties at any level, like the position of Principal, Head of the Department and Head of the Unit. The selection of the candidates for such posts shall be made by the respective committee constituted by the Government.

The appointment against the advertised posts shall and shall always be on academic arrangement basis only without conferment of any preferential right on the engages for regular appointment against these posts, which shall be made strictly in accordance with the relevant recruitment rules. The experience gained shall be counted / valid for further promotion / appointment to the higher posts.

The appointment on academic arrangement basis shall by itself stand terminated on attainment of 70 years of age by the appointee. The services of an appointee under these rules shall be terminable before the expiry of the tenure of appointment with one month’s notice from either side or on payment of one month’s salary in lieu of notice by the appointing authority. In case of any dispute, the decision of Chairperson of the Selection Committee shall be final.

The applications along-with requisite documents should reach the office of undersigned by 28.12.2022 by email on The candidates are advised to put their contact number on the application positively. After finalization of merit list, if there are more than one candidate for a post, the candidates shall be called for walk in Interview.

Note: Number of posts may increase or decrease at the time of interview.

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