
Govt ITI Job oriented short term courses under PMKVY.

Govt ITI Udhampur Job oriented short term courses under PMKVY.

Application on the prescribed Registration form are invited form the unemployed/school & college dropouts for admission to below mentioned Job oriented short term courses under PMKVY scheme in Govt.ITI Udhampur to be started from March, 2020. The candidates who desire to apply for admission are advised to obtain the application cum registration forms from Office of the Superintendent Govt.ITI Udhampur free of cost w. e. f. 06-03-2020 to 14-03-2020 or can be downloaded from website The application form along with the following self-attested documents should be deposited in the Office of Govt.ITI Udhampur by or before 14.03.2020.

1. Marks Certificate of qualifying exam prescribed for Course.

2. Date of Birth certificate.

3. Aadhar card.


4. Bank pass book (Bank details i.e. A/c No. and IFSC code).

PMKVY Skill Training

Training Program Benefits:

‘Completely free of cost training, NSQF Aligned, placement linked courses.

‘Conveyance support of upto Rs. 1000/-per month for female and Disability (PWD) candidates. ‘Free Mts for all candidates.

‘Post placement support upto Rs.4500 for female and Rs.3000 for male candidates.

‘Monetary award for certified candidates.

‘Additional support for PWD candidates.

Instructions for Candidates:

‘Minimum age bar for admission isl4yrs and no upper age limit.

‘Admission will not be given to candidates who have taken similar training.

‘Strict discipline in accordance with the institute should be maintained throughout the course period.

‘Candidates should attend theory/practical class at the time slots allotted to them.

‘Students who successfully completed the PMKVY Programme are entitled to get NSDC certificate on completion of assessment process in accordance with NSDC norms.



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