
JAKBOPEE Filling up of Online Preferences for allotment of seats CET 2018.

JAKBOPEE Filling up of Online Preferences for allotment of seats for admission to CET 2018.

Reference: Notification No.37-BOPEE of 2018 dated 15-5-2018.


Consequent upon declaration of the result of the candidates ( Rank wise) vide above mentioned notification, who have appeared in the CET examination 2018, the seats available in different colleges shall be filled up on the basis of Online Counselling (Preferences to be filled in by the eligible candidates). The schedule for Online Counselling (filling up of preferences) is accordingly notified as under:-


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1. Mock Exercise/ Practice : 22-5-2018 to 23-5-2018

2. Actual Filling up of Preferences : 24-5-2018 to 30-05-2018

3. Last date of Payment of Online Fee : up to 30-05-2018

4. Review of Preferences : 01 -06-2018 (On request only)


1. The candidates shall have to pay an online fee of Rs 1200/- as counselling fee without which the candidate shall not be allotted a seat under any circumstances. In any case, the Board shall not be responsible for failure of Online Payment by any candidates. The candidates should, therefore, ensure that their payment made is successful and there is no payment failure.

2. The preferences can be reviewed by such candidates only, who make a request to the BOPEE and have already made the payment. Any candidate filling up the preferences after the prescribed date shall not be considered.

3. The cut off score up to which candidates are eligible to fill in the preferences has already been notified vide notification No. 37-BOPEE of 2018 dated 15-5-2018. However, for reiteration purposes, the OM candidates including JKPM/CDP/SP and TFW should have a qualifying score up to 18 Marks and in respect of all other categories viz, RBA/ALC/ SC/STK/STL/STGB/STO/OSC the cut off score shall be up to 11 Marks to become eligible for Online Counselling.


4. The operational seat matrix is annexed as annexure ‘A” to this notification.


1. In case of any difficulty, the candidates can contact the Board office at Jammu/Srinagar during office hours.

2. The candidates, in their own interest, are advised to go through the CET- e-Brochure 2018 and also go through the technical and other instructions contained in the information brochure before filling up the Online preferences.

The candidates should, in their own interest, download a copy of the preferences filled in by them and retain the same for purposes of record and references. No copy is to be submitted in the BOPEE office.


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