J&K Fire & Emergency Services Re-examination Fireman Drivers posts.
J&K Fire & Emergency Services Re-examination Fireman Drivers posts.
Jammu and Kashmir Fire & Emergency Services Exam (written test) of candidates who have applied for the posts of Fireman/ Fireman Drivers vide Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2013 Dated 12-03-2013.
How to Download Admit card for written test?
The candidates shall download their admit cards from 12th of September, 2020 from the official website of Fire & Emergency Services ie. fireandemergencyjk.co.in.
J&K Fire & Emergency Services Fireman Drivers posts written test date?
The written examination shall be held on 20th of September 2020 (Sunday) from 11:00 hrs. to 13:00
J&K Fire & Emergency Services Fireman Drivers posts Exam Venue?
The venue of the examination is mentioned in the admit card.
J&K Fire & Emergency Services Re-examination Fireman Drivers posts important information for all the concerned as follows:
- In pursuance of Govt. Order No. 880-Home of 2019 Dated 01.08-2019 the written examination for the post of Fireman/Fireman Driver in the Fire & Emergency Service Department shall be conducted afresh.
- Only those candidates who have appeared in the previous written examination shall be eligible to appear in re-examination. Further, the candidates who have failed in driving test will not be eligible to appear in the re-examination.
- The candidates shall download their admit cards from 12th of September, 2020 from the official website of Fire & Emergency Services ie. fireandemergencyjk.co.in
- The written examination shall be held on 20th of September 2020 (Sunday) from 11:00 hrs. to 13:00 The venue of the examination is mentioned in the admit card.
- The name of the Centre, post for which applied, Roll No. of the candidate for the written test will be notified in the Admit Card.
- The candidates shall check their particulars In the Admit card carefully and in case any discrepancy is found, the same be immediately reported to the Chairman, Departmental Recruitment Board of Fire & Emergency Service on EmaiL ID infesjk@gmailcom
- The written test will be objective/OMR type having 100 questions (total 100 marks) as per the-syllabus already published.
- The OMR sheet will be candidate specific and the candidates shall verify their personal details provided on the OMR sheet and in case of any discrepancy, the candidate shall immediately report to the examination
- The candidates shall use blue/black ball point pen in the written test.The OMR guidelines for making of response/correct answers on Answer/OMR sheets will be mentioned in the Admit Card.
- The candidates appearing in the written test shall bring their Admit Cards along with one of the Photo identify proofs such as Aadhar Cards/Passport/Driving License Voter Card etc in original failing which they will be denied entry.
- The candidates shall strictly comply with the directions given to them by Examiners/Invigilators. Any candidate found disregarding the directions shall be liable to be debarred from the written test.
- Possession of mobile/smart phones or any electronic device (e.g. calculator, Bluetooth device, pager, headphone, ipad, tablets etc) besides books/notes inside the examination hall is prohibited. The candidates should not carry any such item inside the examination hall and any person found carrying same will be disqualified on the spot.
- Smart watches and other electronic gadgets inside the examination hall/room are not permitted. The candidates are advised not to bring any such items with them to the examination centre as the arrangement for their safekeeping cannot be assured. Any loss of such items shall be the responsibility of the candidate.
- Use of unfair means in the examination is strictly prohibited. Any candidate using unfair means in the written test will be debarred from the written test and will also be prosecuted.
- No candidate should misbehave in any manner or create disorderly scene in the Examination Hall or harass the staff posted for conduct of the Examination. The candidates found involved in any such misconduct will be penalised and debarred from the Examination.
- In view of the Covid-19, the candidates are directed to wear face masks throughout their examination.
- No candidate will be allowed inside the examination hall without wearing face mask.
- The candidates shall follow the instructions as mentioned in the admit card.
- No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the examination.
Download Fire and Emergency Services J&K written test official Notification PDF
Advertisement Notification No.01 of 2013 Dated 12-03-2013 read with Notification No. DF&ES/Rec-2018/5908-18 Dated 14-08-2018 and in compliance of Govt, order No. 880-Home of 2019 Dated 01-08-2019.
Attention Please :
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