
J&K Fisheries Department notification for Unemployed Youth.

J&K Fisheries Department notification for Unemployed Youth of Division Jammu.

J&K Govt important notification for the unemployed youth of Kathua, Rajouri, Poonch, Udhampur, Ramban, Doda, Kishtwar. Jammu and Kashmir Joint Director Fisheries (Central) invites applications from the unemployed youth who intend to adopt Fish Culture in private sector for construction of Trout Units under “Development of Aquaculture in Private Sector” under Capex Budget 2021-22.

The District-wise target for the construction of Trout Rearing Units is as under :

Distt Kathua Rajouri Poonch Udh Ramban Doda Kishtwar
Units 2 2 1 2 2 3 3

The applications as per the following terms and conditions may be submitted in the respective offices of Assistant Director Fisheries of all the districts of Jammu Division upto 23rd of June 2021.

No application will be entertain after the expiry of the scheduled date.

JK Fisheries department Important Notification for Unemployed Youth


Terms & Conditions :

  • The applicant should be in possession of 0.5 kanals (50 m3) of proprietary/ accredited land.
  • The applicant shall attach the necessary papers of the land to be utilized for construction of Trout Unit along with application.
  • The land in available should be free encumbrance (Mortgage loan etc.)
  • The land to be brought under Fish Farming should be preferably fallow and non-commercial, it should preferably be in the vicinity of the beneficiary’s residence.
  • There should be permanent/perennial/dependable cold and running water near the land.
  • The applicant should fall in the feasible zone where Trout Fish can be reared preferably spring water/hilly clod areas.
  • The final selection of the beneficiary will be made by the Departmental selection
    Committee after proper verification, survey of the site, feasibility and other parameters.

The selected beneficiary shall execute an agreement with the department duly authenticated by a 1st Class Magistrate depicting the following points :

  1. That applicant will utilize the space for pisciculture.
  2. That applicant will not change the status of the Trout Rearing Unit.
  3. That applicant will strictly abide by the instructions of the department regarding rearing of the fish.
  4. That in case of any default on their part beneficiary shall be liable to repay with the
    interest the amount and benefits drawn from the Government for construction of pond.
  5. The payment shall be released only after the completion of Trout Rearing Unit
    Certificate issued by the Technical Committee constituted for the purpose.
  6. Further details can be had from the Assistant Director of concerned Districts of Jammu Division.

Important Link for Candidates appearing in  JKSSB Upcoming Exams.

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