
Labour and Employment Department Important Notification

Labour and Employment Department Important Notification

It is notified for the information of the Stakeholders that the Objections/Suggestions, if any, to the draft Jammu and Kashmir Employment (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules, 2021, (annexed to this notice) are hereby invited and the same can be submitted online on the e-mail: or through registered post at the following address:

The objections must reach this office before the end of fifteen days from the date of publication of this notice, failing which no objection/ suggestion, in this regard, will be entertainment.

Qualification and Method of Recruitment

1) No person shall be eligible for appointment or promotion to any post in any class, category, or grade in the service unless he/she. possess the qualifications as laid down in schedule II and fulfill other requirements of recruitment as provided in the rules and orders for the time being in force.


2) Appointment to the service shall be made:

(a) by deputation from Information Technology Department as the case may be.

(b) by promotion in the ratio and in a manner as mentioned against each post in Schedule-H.

Reservation in appointments :

While making appointments either by direct recruitment or promotion, reservation shall be made in accordance with the rules and orders issued from time to time for members of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/ Backward Classes or any other category or Class of permanent residents of State under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Act, 2004, and Rules made thereunder.

“Provided that reservation in promotions shall be subject to the outcome of decision on reservation by the Hon/We Supreme Court/High Court.”

Maintenance of seniority lists: Final Seniority of the Assistant Directors Employment (Promote) shall be regulated under the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1956 according to their seniority the time of their regularization. The Administrative Department shall maintain an up-to-date final seniority list of Assistant Directors Employment recruited under promotion quota only

Further Details : 

Labour and Employment Department Important Notification



Attention Please :
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