
J&K Youth Services & Sports Provisional Selection list of Class-IV (Groundsman)

Jammu & Kashmir Directorate General, Youth Services & Sports Provisional Selection list of candidates for the post of Class-IV (Groundsman) District Cadre Srinagar.

J&K YSS Selection list Groundsman

Reference: i. Edu/Tech/Phy/06/2007-ll Dated 10-01-2017.

ii. Dir-YSS/Estt/9535-61 dated 18-01-2017.

iii. Edu/Tech/Phy/06/2007-lI Dated: 23-04-2018.

iv. Edu/Tech/Phy/147/2018 dated 28-07-2018.


v. DG-YSS/Estt/3493-94 dated 31-07-2018.

Whereas, the Government vide Order No. 199-Edu(Tech) of 2013, Dt: 19-11-2013 had constituted District Level Committee for recruitment of Class-IV posts in J&K Youth Services & Sports Department with the following composition:


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1. District Youths Services & Sports Officer Concerned = Chairman

2. One representative to be nominated by HOD = Member

3. District Social Welfare Officer of Concerned District = Member

4. One (other) Officer to be nominated by

Deputy Commissioner of concerned district = Member

Whereas, allotment of 168 posts of Groundsman/Orderlies were accorded by the Administrative Department vide Letter No.Edu/Tech/Phy/06/2007-ll Dated 10-01-2017; and Whereas, accordingly 168 posts of Class-IV (Groundsman) including 07 (Seven) posts of Class-IV (Groundsman) for District Srinagar were advertised vide Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2017 dated 18-01-2017; and

Whereas, the District Selection Committee after issuing shortlist of candidates with the ratio of (01:05) category wise conducted the interview of the candidates; and Whereas, in pursuance to Notification No. 01 of 2017, Dt: 18-01-2017, the District Youth Services and Sports Office Srinagar vide No. DYSSO/Sgr/3714, Dt: 25-01-2018 has forwarded the provisional selection list of following candidates for the post of Class-IV (Groundsman)

J&K Youth Services & Sports Provisional Selection list of Class-IV (Groundsman)

Terms & Conditions:

1. The select list is purely provisional and subject to alteration/modification and as such no right accrues to the candidate to claim selection/appointment against the post as a matter of right on the basis of his/her mere inclusion in the provisional select list and shall be subject to the verification of all certificates/documents/required undertakings.

2. The provisionally selected candidates, as indicated herein above, are advised to report to the office of the District Youth Services & Sports Officer concerned within twenty one (21) days from the date of publications of this provisional select list in the print media along with all original certificates viz Date of Birth, Matriculation Marks Card, Higher Secondary Part-ll (10+2) Marks Certificate, State Subject Certificate, Fitness Certificate, NDC from the Nationalised Banks/Financia! Corporations/ Employment Exchange/ Industries Department, Category Certificate, wherever applicable, for verification from the concerned agencies as required under rules, failing which the candidature of the selected candidate shall be deemed to have been cancelled and the candidates next in order of merit from the waiting list shall be considered/appointed under rules.


3. Any candidate found guilty of submitting fabricated/tampered documents shall be liable to criminal prosecution under law and the selection of such candidate shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-intio.

4. The selection list shall be subject to outcome of any writ (petition)(s) pending if any in court of law of the competent jurisdiction.

5. The provisional selectee are advised to see that their particulars are correct and in case of any error or omission/objection, they may approach to the concerned District YS & Sports Officer along with documentary proof for seeking correction within ten (10) days from the date of publication of this provisional selection list and no representation shall be considered afterwards.


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