
Appointment of Assistant Storekeeper-cum-­Clerk in Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs

Appointment of Assistant Storekeeper-cum-­Clerk in Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs

Appointment of candidates for Posts in Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, J&K Appointment of candidates for the posts of Assistant Storekeeper-cum-­Clerk under SRO 202 Dated: 30.06.2015 (Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Divisional Cadre Kashmir


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Reference : Administrative Department’s letter No.CAPD/Estt/98/2010 Dated: 13.08.2018 Order No : Advertisement 891 DFCS&CAK of 2018 Dated: 08-09-2018


Consequent upon the selection made by Services Selection Board for the post of ASK-cum-Clerk (FCS&CA Department, Divisional Cadre Kashmir) as forwarded by the Administrative Department vide letter referred to above, sanction is hereby accorded to the temporary appointment of twelve (12) below mentioned candidates as Assistant Storekeeper-aim-Clerk in the pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs. 1900/-(Revised Level – 2, Rs. 19900-63200):

Appointment of candidates for Posts in Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department

The appointment order is subject to production of following certificates in original and the verification thereof from the concerned quarters:

Academic Qualification Certificate
Date of Birth Certificate
State Subject Certificate
Loan/Stipend if any received has been refunded into the treasury in full
No Loan Certificate under self employment from the concerned department.
Health Fitness Certificate from concerned CMO
Character/Antecedents Certificate
Two (2) recent Passport Size photographs duly attested
Category Certificate in case of category candidates from the competent authority as required under reservation rules

The appointees shall report to this Directorate within a period of twenty-one (21) days from the date of issuance of this order.


The appointment of the candidates will be subject to the following conditions :

Each candidate shall give an undertaking in the shape of an affidavit duly signed by the Judicial Magistrate 1st Class to the effect that in case any adverse report about his/her character and antecedents is received from Police/CID, J&K, he/she shall have no right to claim for his/her appointment as Assistant Storekeeper-cum-Clerk and his/her appointment,as such, shall be deemed to have been cancelled ab-initio;

In case any certificate/document of the appointee is proved fake/fictitious/ not genuine his/her appointment order shall be cancelled ab-intio and criminal proceeding against such candidate (s) shall be initiated.

Salary of the appointee shall not be drawn and disbursed unless satisfactory report about his/her character and antecedents is received from the Inspector General (CID), J&K.

The appointees shall remain on probation for a period of two years and confirmation whereof will be issued only after their satisfactory performance. The seniority of the appointees shall be determined as per the prescribed norms.


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