Govt Medical College GMC Anantnag Kashmir Recruitment
Govt Medical College GMC Anantnag Kashmir Jobs Recruitment for the tenure posts of Jr. Residents (Medical Officers).
In terms of SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10-01-2019, applications on the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates who are permanent Residents of J&K State for the tenure posts of Jr. Residents (Medical Officers), on Academic Arrangement basis initially for a period of one year extendable yearly, subject to good work and conduct of the candidate which will be certified by the concerned Head of Departments, up to the limit as provided in SRO 24 or till the posts are filled up on regular basis by the competent authority whichever is earlier.
How to apply
Candidates interested in applying for Junior Resident posts at Government Medical College, Anantnag can obtain the application form for these posts from camp office of Govt Medical College, Anantnag located in District (MMAB) Hospital, Janglat Mandi, Anantnag and Medical Superintendent, District (MMAB) Hospital, Anantnag during working hours excluding Sundays and Gazetted holidays within a period of 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this advertisement notice in the print media. The application forms complete in all respects, should be accompanied with a non-refundable bank draft for Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) pledged to Principal, Govt. Medical College, Anantnag and payable at collection counter Anantnag. Essential Qualification: MBBSfrom a recognized institute and recognized by MCI.
1. Incomplete application form(s) in any respect or not appended with relevant certificates shall be rejected without further notice.
2. Conditions:
1. The in-service/ retired doctors are not eligible for such appointment.
2. Maximum age for eligibility to apply shall be 50 years as on 01 -01-2019.
3. The application forms should be accompanied with the following self attested copies of the documents:
a. MBB5 Degree certificate from a recognized university/institution.
b. Higher qualification certificate, if any.
c. Internship completion certificate.
d. MCl/State Medical Council Registration Certificate of MBB5 and higher qualification, if any.
e. Attempt certificate 1 st, 2nd, pre-final and Final MBBS examinations issued by the University of Kashmir concerned.
f. Distinction/National Scholarship/Honors/Medals/Academic Merit certificates.
g. Date of Birth Certificate.
h. State Subject Certificate.
i. Professional publications in a standard medical journal, if any.
4. The Competent Authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and modification to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason or giving notice.
5. The decision of the competent authority regarding selection of candidates will be final and no representation will be entertained in this regard.
6. In case any declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material/information relevant to his/her appointment, his/her selection will be cancelled ab-intio liable and action as Warranted under rules shall be initiated against the erring candidates.
7. Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria and producing all the prescribed documents will be interviewed.
8. The selected candidates shall have to execute an agreement that he/she will not leave the Department before the completion of one year term, however abandoning/terminating of the arrangement in the Specialty will require one month prior notice on either side failing which the salary shall not be paid for one month to the incumbent which shall always remain in deposit with the Department and shall be released on completion of sanctioned term.
9. The selected candidate has to submit an affidavit to the effect that he/she is not on the rolls of any Medical Colleges/lnstitutions of the country which is pre-requisite in terms of MCI norms.
10. The selected candidates shall be paid consolidated monthly salary as per SRO-24 of 2019 dated; 10.01.2019 under rules.
The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of combined academic merit and performance at the interview. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in interview.
Attention Please :
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