
GMC Doda Recruitment 2020 New Government Medical College J&K.

GMC Doda Recruitment 2020 New Government Medical College J&K.

GMC Doda Anaesthesia Technicians Jobs recruitment under NHM.

JK NHM Anaesthesia Technicians Jobs Recruitment.

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Anaesthesia Technicians under National Health Mission (NHM) to meet out the additional manpower requirement for COVID-19 in Government Medical College. Dodo UT of J&K (Divisional Cadre).

CLICK HERE For Complete Details 

GMC Doda Lab. Technician Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Jammu and Kashmir Govt Medical College Advertisement notification Fresh NHM Lab Technician Doda Jobs GMC engagement of Lab Technician under National Health Mission in the Government Medical College, Doda on contractual basis.

Ref- Mission Director, NHM. J&K letter No SHS/NHM/J&K/DNO-J/8316-8325 dated 19-08-2020

ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE NO. 315 -GMCD of 2020 DATED. 22-10-2020


Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the below mentioned post under National Health Mission (NHM) in order to strengthening up of Covid-t9 testing laboratory of GMC Doda/ designated COVID testing labs

For Complete Notification Click here.

GMC Doda Microbiologist/ Research Scientist Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Jammu and Kashmir Govt. Medical College Doda Microbiologist/ Research Scientist  Jobs under NHM.

Advertisement notification for engagement of Microbiologist/ Research Scientist under National Health Mission In the Government Medical College, Doda on contractual basis.

For Complete Notification Click here.

GMC Doda Recruitment 2020. Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor jobs | last date 30 sept.

Post Date 05 Sept 2020.

Jammu ad Kashmir GMC Doda Advertisement for engagement of Faculty on academic arrangement basis under SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10-01 -2019 in new Government Medical College, Doda.

In terms of SRO-24 of 2019 dated 10-01-2019, applications on plain paper are invited from Non- PSC/ Retired Medical Faculty for engagement as Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis, initially for a period of three years in case of Professor and Associate Professor and for a period of one year in case of Assistant Professor,

extendable up to a maximum of six years (one year at a time and subject to good performance and conduct) or till the selection is made in accordance with recruitment rules governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier. Further, the extension up-to three years (Professor and Associate Professor) shall be made on year to year basis by the Principal, after approval from the Administrative Department.

The eligibility conditions and age for submitting the applications shall be as under:-

No. of Posts Selection Criteria

Anatomy (1),

Physiology (1), Microbiology (1), Pathology, (1),

General Medicine (1), Obst &Gynae (1), Anaesthesiology (1), General Surgery (1); Community Medicine (1) ; Forensic Medicine(l); ENT(l)

Blood Bank (Professor/ Reader)- (1)

Minimum Qualification & Teaching Experience

As per the relevant Recruitment Rules

•              Teaching Experience = 60 Points

30 points for Minimum 13 years teaching experience (including 2yrs Post P.G Experience as Tutor /Demonstrator / Registrar is compulsory) as Associate Professor & 03 points for every additional year, subject to maximum of 30 points.

•              Research Publications = 30 Points 15 points for 4 numbers of publications & 03 points for every addl. publication, subject to maximum of 15 points.

•              Higher qualifications 10 points (DM/MCH only)

Associate Professor

Anatomy (1),

Physiology (1),

Pathology (2), Microbiology-0) Pharmacology (1), Radio-Diagnosis 0), General Surgery (1), General Medicine (3), Obst & Gynae (2), Anaesthesiology (2); Forensic Medicine (1); Community Medicine (2) ; ENT (1);

Ophthalmology (1) Psychiatry (1)

Minimum Qualification & Teaching Experience

As per the relevant Recruitment Rules

i.            Teaching Experience = 60 Points

30 points for Minimum 9 years teaching experience (including 2yrs Post P.G. Experience as Tutor / Demonstrator / Registrar is compulsory) as Assistant Professor & 03 points for every additional year, subject to maximum of 30 points.

ii.          Research Publications = 30 Points 15 points for 2 number of publications & 03 points for every additional publication, subject to maximum of 15 points

iii.        Higher qualification =10 points (DM/MCH only)

No. Of Posts Minimum Qualification and teaching Experience Max. age at the time of submitting application
Assistant Professor Anatomy (1);

Psychiatry (1)

Community Medicine (1), Microbiology(l);

Blood Transfusion Medicine (1),

As per the eligibility conditions prescribed vide Govt. No. 44-HME of 2019 dated. 11.01.2019 (available on i.e. Two years post PG experience as Senior Resident/ Demonstrator/Tutor/ Registrar in a particular subject. 63 years.
i) For Teaching experience 80 Points (60 points for minimum required teaching experience and 05 points for every additional year, subject to a maximum of 20 points).
ii) For Research Publications 20 Points (05 points for each publication in indexed/national journals accepted/published as first/corresponding author).

Max. age at the time of application for professor and Associate professor :

67 years.

The candidates shall submit the copies of the following documents with their applications online at

  1. MBBS Degree; MCI Registration Certificate; Post-graduation Degree in the concerned discipline from a MCI recognised institution.
  2. Certificate of Doctorate (in case of Non-Medical candidates) from a University duly recognized by University Grants Commission
  3. Experience certificate issued by the Competent Authority/Head of the Institution.
  4. Professional Publications, published in indexed/ national journals, as prescribed.
  5. Date of birth Certificate.
  6. Domicile Certificate/ P.R.C.

The appointees on academic arrangement bases shall be paid a monthly consolidated salary as per the scales defined in the SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10th January 2019. The Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors appointed in Govt. Medical College, Doda will be entitled to additional monthly incentives of Rs. 50,000/-, Rs. 45,000/- and Rs. 30,000/- respectively.

Staff engaged on teaching post shall be put on teaching and research duties and shall not be assigned any administrative duties at any level, like the position of Principal, Head of the Department and Head of the Unit. The selection of the candidates for such posts shall be made by the respective committee constituted by the Government.

The appointment against the advertised posts shall and shall always be on academic arrangement basis only without conferment of any preferential right on the engages for regular appointment against these posts, which shall be made strictly in accordance with the relevant recruitment rules. The experience gained shall be counted / valid for further promotion / appointment to the higher posts.

The appointment on academic arrangement basis shall by itself stand terminated on attainment of 70 years of age by the appointee. The services of an appointee under these rules shall be terminable before the expiry of the tenure of appointment with one month’s notice from either side or on payment of one month’s salary in lieu of notice by the appointing authority. In case of any dispute, the decision of Chairperson of the Selection Committee shall be final.

The retired Army Personnel, resident of Jammu and Kashmir who have served in AFMC Pune in the similar capacities can also apply as per their eligibility.

How to apply GMC Doda:

The applications along-with documents should reach the office by email on principalamcdoda@gmail. com on or before 30th September 2020.

Last date 30th September 2020.

Govt Medical College GMC Doda Walk in interview.

Post date Sept 04 2020

Jammu and Kashmir GMC Doda Jobs: Applications on plain paper are invited for the posts of House Officers / Junior Residents (MBBS) for various specialties at Govt. Medical College Doda, on following terms and conditions:-

That an applicant should produce

1. Date of Birth certificate.

2. MBBS Certificate.

3. Attempt Certificate.

4. Internship Completion Certificate.

5. MCI / State Medical Council certificate.

6. Merit Certificate if any.

7. Certificate of extra co- curricular activities/ sports if any issued by the competent authority.

How to apply GMC Doda.

The above mentioned certificates along with applications should be mailed to the undersigned on principalgmcdoda@gmail. com on or before 10th September 2020.


Toll Free: 1800-180-7131 Phone/Fax: 01996-23388

GMC Doda Job Recruitment 2020.

Govt Medical College GMC Doda Walk in interview.

Jammu and Kashmir GMC Doda Jobs: Applications on plain paper are invited for the posts of House Officers / Junior Residents (MBBS) for various specialties at Govt. Medical College Doda, on following terms and conditions:-

That an applicant should produce

1. Date of Birth certificate.

2. MBBS Certificate.

3. Attempt Certificate.

4. Internship Completion Certificate.

5. MCI / State Medical Council certificate.

6. Merit Certificate if any.

7. Certificate of extra co- curricular activities/ sports if any issued by the competent authority.

How to apply GMC Doda.

The above mentioned certificates along with applications should be mailed to the undersigned on principalgmcdoda@gmail. com on or before 10th September 2020.


Toll Free: 1800-180-7131 Phone/Fax: 01996-23388

Govt Medical College Job Recruitment 2020.

Post Date 04 Sept 2020

GMC DODA JOBS: Applications on plain paper are invited for the posts of House Officers / Junior Residents (MBBS) for various specialties at Govt. Medical College Doda, on following terms and conditions:-

That an applicant should produce

1. Date of Birth certificate.
2. MBBS Certificate.
3. Attempt Certificate.
4. Internship Completion Certificate.
5. MCI / State Medical Council certificate.
6. Merit Certificate if any.
7. Certificate of extra co- curricular activities/ sports if any issued by
the competent authority.
8. Affidavit of character and antecedents.

The above mentioned certificates along with applications should be mailed to the undersigned on on or before 10th of July 2020.


GMC Doda Invites application for Laboratory technician 08 posts.

Post date June 17 2020.

GMC DODA: Applications are invited for the candidates (Non PSC’/Retired) who are permanent residents of Jammu Division for engagement on “Academic Arrangement Basis” in terms of SRO-24 dated 10-01-2019. initially for a period of six (06) months extendable up to maximum of one year (subject to good performance and conduct) or till the selection/promotion is made in accordance with the rules of recruitment governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier.

GMC DODA Vacancies Details:

Post name  Laboratory technician

Total posts 08.

 How to apply

Interested candidates can apply within a time period of one week from the issuance of this advertisement notice at Make Shit) Campus GMC’ Doda between 10 to 2 pm excluding holidays.

2. All documents and photograph should be self attested by the candidate.

3. Candidates can apply through e-mail of GMC Doda at


GMC Doda Recruitment 2020.

Post Date  5 June 2020

GMC Govt Medical College Doda Walk in interview House Officers / Junior Residents vacancies.

GMC DODA :Online applications are invited on short notice, on first come first serve basis , for the posts of House Officers / Junior Residents (MBBS) for various specialties at Govt. Medical College Doda, on following terms and conditions:-

That an applicant should produce:

1. Date of Birth certificate.
2. MBBS Certificate.
3. Attempt Certificate.
4. Internship Completion Certificate.
5. MCI/ State Med Council certificate.
6. Merit Certificate if any.
7 Certificate of extra co- curricular activities/ sports if any issued by the competent authority.
8. Affidavit of character and antecedents.

The above mentioned certificates along with applications should be mailed to the undersigned on on or before 15th of June 2020.

The orders shall be issued on 16th of June 2020, as per requirement. Selected candidates shall have to join within seven (7) days of issuing of orders. Any candidate who is quarantined on arrival at Doda for joining, that period shall be counted on duty.


Post date 28 May 2020.

GMC Doda Walk in interview.

GMC DODA :Online applications are invited on short notice , on first come first serve basis , for the posts of House Officers / Junior Residents (MBBS) for various specialties at Govt. Medical College Doda , on following terms and conditions:-

That an applicant should produce:

1. Date of Birth certificate.
2. MBBS Certificate.
3. Attempt Certificate.
4. Internship Completion Certificate.
5. MCI/ State Med Council certificate.
6. Merit Certificate if any.
7. Certificate of extra co- curricular activities/ sports if any issued by the competent authority.
8. Affidavit of character and antecedents.

How to apply.

The above mentioned certificates along with applications should be mailed to the undersigned on on or before 2nd of June 2020.

The orders shall be issued on 3rd June 2020, as per requirement. Selected candidates shall have to join within seven (7) days of issuing of orders.

Any candidate who is quarantined on arrival at Doda for joining, that period shall be counted on duty.


GMC Doda Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Post date 20 May 2020

Advertisement for engagement of Faculty on academic arrangement basis under SHO 24 of 2019 dated 10-01-2019 in new Government Medical College Doda.

In terms of SRO-24 of 2G19 dated 10-01-20 19. applications on plain paper arc invited from Non-PSC/ Retired Medical Professional for engagement us Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis, initially for a period of three years in case of Professor and Associate Professor and for a period of one year in case of Assistant Professor, extendable up to a maximum of six years (one year at a time and subject to good performance and conduct) or fill the* selection is made in accordance with recruitment rules governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier. Further, the extension up-to three years (Professor and Associate Professor) shall be made on year to year basis by the Principal, after approval from the Administrative Department.

The eligibility conditions and. age for submitting the applications shall be as under:*

GMC Doda Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Government Medical College Doda walk in interview.

Post Date 14 may 2020.

Applications on plain paper are invited from PSC/Non-PSC doctors, for the tenure posts of Tutors/Registrars / Demonstrators in the following disciplines for a maximum period of one year extendable up-to three years as per SRO-25 of 2013 dated 28-01 -2013.

The applications and documents should reach the office of Principal GMC Doda, by email: on or before 20-05-2020.

This is without any prejudice to any writ petition pending before any Hon’ble Court.

Details of posts in various subjects are as follows:

GMC Doda Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Eligibility criteria:


a) Candidates after selection shall be paid as per LPC.

b) Candidates should seek prior permission from Administrative Department and should route their applications through proper channel.

c) After selection, candidate shall have to be relieved by the Administrative department.


Selected Candidates shall be engaged on consolidated pay equal to basic pay of Medical Officer/Assistant Surgeon of Health Department as per SRO-93 dated 15-04-2009, plus D.A. Candidates with Postgraduate Degrees shall be paid an incentive of Rs.15000/- per month. Maximum age of eligibility is 50 years as on cut off date.


a) QUALIFICATION: Minimum MBBS (MD/MS/PG Diploma/M.Sc(Medical-in preclinical subjects like Physiology] shall be preferred).

b) Candidates who were earlier appointed as Registrars/Demonstrators in GMC Jammu/Srinagar, but have left service before completing their tenure can also apply.

c) Candidates who have already completed 3 years of Registrar-ship/ Demonstrator-ship in any of above discipline can also apply.

d) The experience gained shall be counted / valid for further promotion / appointment to the higher post.


a) Attempt certificate of 1st, 2nd, Pre-final and Final MBBS issued by concerned Universities.

b) MBBS, MD/MS/PG Diploma/M.Sc (Medical Physiology) Degree in concerned subject (Preference will be given to the candidates possessing Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma],

c) Internship completion certificate.

d) Service Certificate (clearly indicating rural service, if any) issued by DHS Jammu/Srinagar in respect of in-service candidates.

e) Distinction/ National scholarship/Honours/Medals/Academic Merit Certificate.

f) House-job (Jr./Sr.) certificate issued by concerned Principal or Equivalent authority.

g) Professional publications in a MCI permitted indexed standard medical journal if any.

h) Date of Birth Certificate as per Matriculation Diploma for non-PSC candidates.

The selection of the candidate shall be made on the basis of combined academic merit and performance in the interview as per the rules/order issued by state government.

No T.A/D.A. shall be admissible for appearing in interview.

How to apply



New Government Medical College GMC Doda Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Post Date 23 March 2020.

GMC DODA Advertisement for engagement of Faculty on academic arrangement basis under SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10-01-2019 in new Government Medical College, Doda.

In terms of SRO-24 of 2019 dated 10-01 -2019, applications on plain paper are invited from Non-PSC/ Retired Medical Professional for engagement as Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on academic arrangement basis, initially for a period of three years in case of Professor and Associate Professor and for a period of one year in case of Assistant Professor, extendable up to a maximum of six years (one year at a time and subject to good performance and conduct) or till the selection is made in accordance with recruitment rules governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier. Further, the extension up to three years (Professor and Associate Professor) shall be made on year to year basis by the Principal, after approval from the Administrative Department. The eligibility conditions and age for submitting the applications shall be as under:-

New Government Medical College GMC Doda Jobs Recruitment 2020.

The candidates shall submit the copies of the following documents with their applications online at

1. MBBS Degree and MCI Registration Certificate/ Post-graduation Degree in the concerned discipline from a University duly recognized by University Grants Commission in case of Non-Medical candidates.

2. Post-Graduation Degree and MCI Registration Certificate (in case of Medical candidates)/ Certificate of Doctorate from a University duly recognized by University Grants Commission in case of Non-Medical candidates.

3. Experience certificate issued by the Competent Authority/Head of the Institution.

4. Professional Publications, published in indexed/ national journals, as prescribed.

5. Date of birth Certificate.

The appointees on academic arrangement bases shall be paid a monthly consolidated salary as per the scales defined in the SRO 24 of 2019 dated 10th January 2019. The Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors appointed in Govt. Medical College, Doda will be entitled to additional monthly incentives of Rs 50,000/-, Rs 45,000/- and Rs. 30,000/- respectively.

Staff engaged on teaching post shall be put on teaching and research duties and shall not be assigned any administrative duties at any level, like the position of Principal, Head of the Department and Head of the Unit. The selection of the candidates for such posts shall be made by the respective committee constituted by the Government.

The appointment against the advertised posts shall and shall always be on academic arrangement basis only without conferment of any preferential right on the engages for regular appointment against these posts, which shall be made strictly in accordance with the relevant recruitment rules. The experience gained shall be counted / valid for further promotion / appointment to the higher posts.

The appointment on academic arrangement basis shall by itself stand terminated on attainment of 70 years of age by the appointee. The services of an appointee under these rules shall be terminable before the expiry of the tenure of appointment with one month’s notice from either side or on payment of one month’s salary in lieu of notice by the appointing authority. In case of any dispute, the decision of Chairperson of the Selection Committee shall be final.

The retired Army Personnel, resident of Jammu and Kashmir who have served in AFMC Pune in the similar capacities can also apply as per their eligibility.

The applications along-with requisite documents should reach the office of undersigned by 31 st March 2020 by email on Please put your contact number on the application positively. After finalization of merit list, the candidate shall be called for walk in Interview.




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