Interview Notification from various Govt Department, University, JKSSB, JKPSC, Private Jobs Interviews.
GMC Srinagar interview timing changed. In partial modification to this Office Interview Notice No. AR/MC/R/D/ADV/4032-37 dated 12-12- 2022, kindly read the following changes in the timing schedule:- For regular updates keep visiting Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. GMC Srinagar 10-Karan Nagar, Srinagar Kashmir S. NO Department Previous timing New timing 1. Biochemistry
GMC Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2022. Applications on the prescribed format are invited from Medical Graduates for full-time House Job in various specialties of Government Medical College Srinagar Associated Hospitals. Selection: The Selection of the candidates will be made as per the Guidelines prescribed by the Government, subject to amendment by the Government from time to
GMC, Registrars Post Interview Notice. It is notified for the information of all candidates who have applied for the tenure post of Registrars in the disciplines of Surgery in response to this office Advertisement Notices No. 192 of 2022 Dated. 19.05.2022 that their interview will be held on 11-11-2022 at 10:30 AM in the office