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Business Development Managers, Market Research Associates, Accountants Jobs in Visvero, a USA-based IT company. Private Jobs in USA-Based IT Company: For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Visvero Jobs Details: Business Development Managers (2-5) years of experience, Market Research Associates (1-2) years of experience. Accountants (2-5) years
Accountants, Office Secretary, EDP Assistant Jobs in Batra Group. Jammu and Kashmir Batra Group required various posts. Interested candidates are advised to submit their resume on: shree@batragrp.com 1. ACCOUNTANTS Qualification: M.com/B.com with minimum of 3 years experience in maintance of Accounts of Business Establishment on Tally Systems. Candidate should also have knowledge of Taxes with
Accountant Jobs in Srinagar. REQUIREMENT ACCOUNTANTS are required for CITY WALK MALL M. A. ROAD, SRINAGAR & IMSHAW BUILDERS & DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD., SRINAGAR Experienced with the knowledge of TALLY shall be preferred. Drop Your Resume At: (imshawbuildersdevpvtltd@gmail.com) The date & timing of interview of short listed candidates shall be communicated through mail or phone
Shree Toyota Jobs Recruitment 2019. Shree Toyota Jobs Details: 1. ACCOUNTANTS (2 Nos) (M) 2. ASST. ACCOUNTANTS (2 Nos) (M) Placement at Jammu / Udhampur. Qualification: Minimum B.Com Graduates Experience: Minimum Two/Three years Experience of handling Accounts and should be well versed with Tally ERP9, GST and other Taxation Matters. Salary: Commensurate with Experience. How
JKMSCL Jobs Recruitment 2018 – 2019. JKMSCL recently published the official jobs notification for posts Head Assistants, Accountants, Senior Assistant jobs. Jammu and Kashmir Medical Supplies Corporation Ltd. Invites applications for engagement of 08 retired persons of short-term contract basis as Head Assistants/ Accountants/ Senior Assistant in JKMSCL.. All the interested candidates can apply for