Tag: Aisha Health Care Srinagar Recruitment

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Aisha Health Care Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2021.

Aisha Health Care Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2021. Post name Account Executive Min Qualification B.Com/MBA with Marg/Busy Knowing Registered pharmacist Lab technician Clinical assistant Housekeeping Salary negotiable Preference will be given to nearby candidate How to apply Send your CV  aishahealthcare789@gmail.com Aisha Health Care A multi-super speciality clinic 91-1942310031 | 91-7006560879 92- OPP. IQBAL PARK I.G

Aisha Health Care Srinagar Jobs.

Aisha Health Care Srinagar Jobs. Accountant Executive Min. Qualification B-Com/MBA (Knowledge of Tally  BUSY & MARG is compulsory) Registered Pharmacist Lab. Technician Clinical Assistant Office Assistant Driver Sweeper PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO NEARBY CANDIDATES. AISHA HEALTH CARE A MULTI SUPER SPECIALITY CLINIC Send your CV aishahealthcare789@gmail.com +91 7006523325  +91 9469088871 92-0pp. Iqbal Park, I.G.
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