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Jobs in Al Noor model school

Jobs in Al Noor Model School Employment notice applications/resumes are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts: For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post Urdu teacher Gender: Male/female Qualification: M.A in Urdu with B.Ed / M.Ed Quran, Arabic cum moral Education

Jobs in Al Noor model school.

Jobs in Al Noor model school. Applications / resumes are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts: Name of the post Mathematics teacher Urdu teacher Quran, arabic cum Moral education Teacher School mother Driver How to apply: Interested candidates can Whatsapp their resumes on 9419088556 Last date of submission of application/resume is 15/05/2024.

Jobs in Al-Noor Model School.

Jobs in Al-Noor Model School. Applications along with resume and Xerox copies of all credentials are invited only from eligible female candidates for the following posts: Name of the Post: English Teacher Computer Teacher SST Teacher Maths Teacher Note: Applying candidates must have a strong passion to work under a challenging work culture. Preference will

Teacher Jobs in AL-Noor Model School.

Teacher Jobs in AL-Noor Model School. Applications along with resume and Xerox copies of all credentials are invited only from eligible female candidates for the following posts:- Name of the post: English Teacher Computer Teacher Social Studies Teacher Maths Teacher How to apply: Interested candidates can send their detailed resumes on Whats app numbers 8825016804,
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