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Jobs in Alfa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Srinagar. Alfa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Jobs. For regular Jobs, and updates keep visiting Jkalerts.com Or Download Our Mobile App for regular updates. Name of the post: Sales Consultant: 04 No Desired Qualification: Any graduate can apply (Both Male & Female are Eligible) Helper/Spare Parts Picker: 02 No Desired Qualification: 10th/10+2
Alfa Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Jobs Recruitment 2019. Alfa Automobile recruit a dedicated workforce who has knowledge & expertise with a firm educational foundation for the following the position. 1. Workshop Manager DESIRED -Diploma/BE Automobile with 2-5 years of experience nr Fresher with Merit. 2. Network Manager DESIRED – Graduate/Masters in Marketing 5 HR (Experienced/Meritorious Fresher).