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IBN SINA Hospital jobs recruitment 2021. Jammu and Kashmir IBNA SINA Hospital urgently required various posts. LAB TECHNICIAN 2 (EXP. 3 YEARS) O.T TECHNICIAN 2 ANESTHESIA TECHNICIAN 2 COMPUTER OPERATOR 2 HEALTH WORKER MMPHW 3 CASHIER 3 RUNNER FOR CANTEEN 4 STOREKEEPER 2 SWEEPER 2 NEAR RAILWAY STATION OMPORA BUDGAM Ph:-7006272634,9622813505,9149606115 E-mail:-weibnsina@gmail.com For all Jobs
MEDICARE Hospital Srinagar Jobs recruitment 2021. MEDICARE Super Specialty Hospital Srinagar invites applications for various Resident Doctors, Nursing Staff, O.T Technicians, Anesthesia Technician, Pharmacists, Marg Software Operators, Lab. Technicians, Receptionists, Nursing Orderly, Sanitary Staff, Ambulance Drivers, Housekeeping. Srinagar private Jobs Details Name of the Posts : Resident Doctors Nursing Staff O.T Technicians Anesthesia Technician Pharmacists