Tag: APS Recruitment 2019

JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs Recruitment, For all latest Jobs, Recruitment, Notification, Interview Schedule, Selection lists, Results Alerts and updates. Get JKSSB, JKPSC Govt & Private jobs notification alerts and Updates. Privates Jobs, Part time jobs, Jobs of Graduates, Jobs for Engineers.

Army Public School APS Samba Jobs Recruitment 2020.

Army Public School APS Samba Jobs Recruitment 2020. REQUIRED STAFF FOR FIXED TERM/ADHOC BASIS Age Criteria as on 01 Apr 2020. (a) For fresh candidates – Below 40 years (b) For Experienced candidates including Ex-servicemen – Below 57 years. Candidates to refer general instructions from school website www.apssamba.co.in How to apply. Apply on the application

Army Public School APS Akhnoor Jobs Recruitment 2019.

Army Public School APS Akhnoor Jobs Recruitment 2019. Upto Class XII Apply to  Akhnoor (J&K) Chairman C/o HQ 10 Arty Bde (GS) Ping-926910 C/o 56 APO Email apsakhnoor12@gmail.com 1. Qualification & Experience As per CBSE Bye-Laws. Masters Degree with B.Ed is mandatory. IT literacy is essential. Detailed eligibility conditions can be downloaded from school website:-

APS Nagrota Job Recruitment 2019.

APS Nagrota Job Recruitment 2019. REQUIREMENT OF STAFF ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS Post: UDC Qualification Graduate or 15 years of service as a Clerk (Preferably Ex-Serviceman). Computer literate. Age below 57 years. -Computer Savvy (12000 key depressions per hour). Knowledge of Basic Computer Application, MS Office, MS Excel & Power Point etc. -Five years experience as

Army School Recruitment 2019 – Apply Online for 8000 PGT/ TGT/ PRT Posts.

Army School Recruitment 2019 – Apply Online for 8000 PGT/ TGT/ PRT Posts. Army Public Schools (APS) located in various Cantonments and Military Stations across India. These schools are administered and managed by local Army authorities and affiliated to CBSE through Army Welfare Education Society (AWES). There are approximately 8000 teachers on the rolls of

APS Miran Sahib Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019.

Army Public School APS Miran Sahib Jammu Jobs Recruitment 2019. APS Teaching Non-teaching Jobs. Army Public School Miran Sahib invites applications for tentative vacancies of teaching and non-teaching staff on adhoc basis for the academic session 2019-20. 1. PGT (English, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Political Science, History, Physical Education and Computer Science). 2. TGT (English,
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